- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
1. Intelligently detect hardware devices and automatically obtain driver upgrades
2. Conveniently install, backup, uninstall, and restore current device drivers
3. Supports management of multiple peripheral devices including network printers and mobile phones
4. Perfectly compatible with all versions of Microsoft Windows XP and later operating systems
Installation and usage:
After downloading, click DriverExpert_Setup.exe to install the software. Note that it is best not to select the c drive for the installation directory to avoid excessive space on the c drive causing the system to run slowly.
After the installation is completed, open the software and the software will automatically scan your system driver installation and backup status. Wait for the software scan to complete and then perform the corresponding driver installation and backup operations on your system.
Here we have 4 drivers that are not backed up. If you feel that your system often needs to be reinstalled, you can back up the drivers in case the driver is missing after the system is reinstalled.
it works
it works
it works