- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
Comprehensive list of commonly used formulas in excel:
1. Find duplicate content formula: =IF(COUNTIF(A:A,A2)>1,"Duplicate","").
2. Use the birth year and month to calculate the age formula: =TRUNC((DAYS360(H6,"2009/8/30",FALSE))/360,0).
3. Calculation formula from the birth year and month of the entered 18-digit ID number: =CONCATENATE(MID(E2,7,4),"/",MID(E2,11,2),"/",MID(E2, 13,2)).
4. To let the system automatically extract the gender from the entered ID number, you can enter the following formula:
=IF(LEN(C2)=15,IF(MOD(MID(C2,15,1),2)=1,"male","female"),IF(MOD(MID(C2,17,1), 2)=1,"Male","Female")) "C2" in the formula represents the cell where the ID number is entered.
1. Sum: =SUM(K2:K56) - Sum the area from K2 to K56;
2. Average: =AVERAGE(K2:K56) - Calculate the average of the area K2 K56;
3. Ranking: =RANK(K2, K$2:K$56) - Rank the results of 55 students;
4. Grade: =IF(K2>=85,"Excellent",IF(K2>=74,"Good",IF(K2>=60,"Pass","Fail")))
5. Semester overall evaluation: =K2*0.3+M2*0.3+N2*0.4 - Assume that column K, column M and column N store the students' three grades of "usual overall evaluation", "midterm" and "final" respectively.
Comprehensive list of commonly used formulas:
it works
it works
it works