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Chinese text catalog for the first volume of sixth grade
1u3000 visiting friends in the mountains
3u3000 Grass Insect Village
4*u3000 "Wild" in Suoxi Valley
5u3000 Zhan Tianyou
6u3000 misses mother
7*u3000 colorful wings
8*u3000 Chinese youth
9u3000 poor
10*u3000Don’t starve that horse
11u3000 only listener
12*u3000Listen with your heart
13u3000 There is only one earth
14*u3000The story of deer and wolf
15u3000This land is sacred
16*u3000 Green hills never grow old
17u3000 young runtu
18u3000My uncle Mr. Lu Xun
19*u3000 per side
20*u3000Some people
21u3000The Old Man and the Seagull
22*u3000The squirrel ran into the house
23u3000The last war elephant
24*u3000 golden footprints
25u3000 Boya Juexian
26u3000 moonlight song
27*u3000 Mona Lisa Appointment
28*u3000my stage
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