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Location: front page————Android software————game————Other games ———— Gohan Game Hall


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
No reinforcement or unknown reinforcement
Read_privileged_phone_state<未知权限>Unknown authority
Access_fine_Location<获取精确位置> Receive the positioning information of the satellite through the GPS chip, the positioning accuracy is less than 10 meters
Access_coarse_Location<获取错略位置> Obtain the user's error latitude and longitude information through WiFi or mobile base stations, and the positioning accuracy is about 30 ~ 1500 meters.
Modify_audio_settings<修改声音设置> Modify the sound setting information
Disable_keyguard<禁用键盘锁> Allow programs to disable keyboard locks
Change_wifi_State<改变WiFi状态> Change the wifi state
Change_configuration<改变配置> Allow the current application to change the configuration, such as positioning
Change_network_State<改变网络状态> Change the network status if it can be connected to the Internet
System_alert_window<显示系统窗口> Display system window
Get_tasks<获取任务信息> Allow the program to obtain the current or recently operated applications
Internet<访问网络> Access network connection, GPRS traffic may be generated
Access_network_State<获取网络状态> Obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Change_wifi_multicast_State<改变WiFi多播状态> Change the wifi multi -broadcast state
Write_external_storage<写入外部存储> Allow programs to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Write_settings<读写系统设置> Allow read and write system settings item
Access_wifi_State<获取WiFi状态> Get the status of the current wifi access and information about WLAN hotspots
Read_phone_state<读取电话状态> Access telephone status
Camera<拍照权限> Allow access to the camera to take pictures
Bluetooth<使用蓝牙> Allow programs to connect pairing Bluetooth equipment
Bluetooth_admin<蓝牙管理> Allow programs to discover and match new Bluetooth equipment
Get_package_size<获取应用大小> Get the application of the application
Mount_unmount_filesystems<挂载文件系统> Hanging, reverse mounting external file system
Receive_user_present<未知权限>Unknown authority
Wake_lock<唤醒锁定> Allow the procedure after the mobile phone screen is turned off and the background process is still running
Read_external_storage<访问外部存储> Access to external storage permissions
Vibrate<使用振动> Allow vibration
Read_logs<读取系统日志> Reading the bottom layer of the system
Interest_across_users_full<未知权限>Unknown authority
Flashlight<使用闪光灯> Allow access flash
Download_without_notification<未知权限>Unknown authority
Request_install_packages<未知权限>Unknown authority
Request_delete_packages<未知权限>Unknown authority
Get_detailed_tasksks<未知权限>Unknown authority
Reorder_tasks<排序系统任务> Re -sort the task in the running of the system Z axis
Access_Location_Extra_commands<访问定位额外命令> Allow programs to access additional positioning provider instructions
Expand_status_bar<状态栏控制> Allow programs to extend or shrink the status bar
Proces_outgoing_calls<处理拨出电话> Allow program surveillance, modify or abandon the broadcast call
Call_phone<拨打电话> Allow the program to enter the phone number from the non -system dial device
Read_call_log<未知权限>Unknown authority
Write_call_log<未知权限>Unknown authority
Receive_mms<接收彩信> Receive MMS
Receive_sms<接收短信> Receive text messages
Receive_wap_push<接收Wap Push> Receive wap push information
Send_SMS<发送短信> sending a text message
Read_sms<读取短信内容> Read SMS content
Write_sms<编写短信> Allow to write SMS
Kill_background_processses<结束后台进程> Allow the program to call KillbackGroundProcessses (String). The method end the background process
Write_social_stream<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_social_stream<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_profile<未知权限>Unknown authority
Write_profile<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_user_dicTionary<未知权限>Unknown authority
Write_user_dificationary<未知权限>Unknown authority
Use_credentials<使用证书> Allow program request verification
Authenticate_accounts<验证账户> Allows a program to access account management information through account verification methods
Schedule_exact_alarm<未知权限>Unknown authority
Use_exact_alarm<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_app_badge<未知权限>Unknown authority
Nearby_wifi_devices<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_Media_images<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_Media_video<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_Media_audio<未知权限>Unknown authority
Battery_stats<电量统计> Get battery power statistics information
Body_Sensors<未知权限>Unknown authority
Broadcast_sticky<连续广播> Allow a program to receive the next broadcast quickly after receiving the broadcast
Get_accounts<访问账户Gmail列表> Visit the Gmail account list
Manage_accounts<管理账户> Allow the program to manage the account list in the accountmanager
Persistent_activity<永久Activity> Create a permanent Activity, which will be marked as the future will be removed in the future
Record_audio<录音> Recording sounds through mobile phones or headphones
NFC<允许NFC通讯> Allow the program to perform NFC close -range communication operations for mobile support
Use_fingerprint<未知权限>Unknown authority
Post_notifications<未知权限>Unknown authority
Clear_app_cache<清除应用缓存> Clear application cache
Write_sync_settings<写入在线同步设置> Write to google online synchronous settings
Read_sync_Settings<读取同步设置> Read the synchronous settings, read Google Online Synchronous Settings
Read_sync_stats<读取同步状态> Read the synchronization status and get Google Online synchronization status
Subcribed_feeds_read<访问订阅内容> Database access to subscription information
Subscriped_feeds_write<写入订阅内容> Write or modify the database of the subscription content
Write_calendar<写入日程提醒> Write the schedule, but not readable
Read_calendar<读取日程提醒> Allow programs to read the user's schedule information
Read_contacts<读取联系人> Allow application access contact address book information
Write_contacts<写入联系人> Write the contact, but not readable
Restart_packages<结束系统任务> End the task through the RESTATPACKAGE (String) method.
Set_time<设置系统时间> Set up system time
Set_time_zone<设置系统时区> Set up the system time zone
Set_WallPaper<设置桌面壁纸> Set the desktop wallpaper
Set_wallpaper_hints<设置壁纸建议> Set wallpaper recommendation
Transmit_ir<未知权限>Unknown authority
Use_sip<使用SIP视频> Allow programs to use SIP video service
System_overlay_window<未知权限>Unknown authority
Receive_Boot_completed<开机自动允许> Allow the program to run automatically
Get_intent_sender_intent<未知权限>Unknown authority
Bind_directory_search<未知权限>Unknown authority
Update_app_ops_stats<未知权限>Unknown authority
Install_packages<安装应用程序> Allow program installation application
Delete_packages<删除应用> Allow program delete application
Clear_app_user_data<清除用户数据> Clear the user data
Write_media_storage<未知权限>Unknown authority
Access_cache_filesystem<未知权限>Unknown authority
Device_power<电源管理> Allow access to underlying power management
Interest_across_users<未知权限>Unknown authority
Query_users<未知权限>Unknown authority
Bind_appwidget<绑定小插件> Allows a program to tell the AppWidget service to access the database of the small plug -in. Only very few applications use this permissions
Account_manager<账户管理> Get the account verification information is mainly GMAIL account information, and only the authority can be accessed by the system -level process
Package_usage_stats<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_install_sessions<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_owner_data<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_cell_broidCasts<未知权限>Unknown authority
Write_clips<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_clips<未知权限>Unknown authority
Get_clips<未知权限>Unknown authority
Write_owner_data<未知权限>Unknown authority
Access_gps<未知权限>Unknown authority
Access_wimax_state<未知权限>Unknown authority
Access_download_manager<未知权限>Unknown authority
Change_wimax_State<未知权限>Unknown authority
Bind_vpn_service<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_device_config<未知权限>Unknown authority
Broadcast_wap_push Triggering a broadcast after the WAP PUSH service is received
Broadcast_sms<收到短信时广播> Touch a radio when receiving the text message
Send_respond_via_message<未知权限>Unknown authority
Get_intent_sender_intent<未知权限>Unknown authority
Foreground_service<未知权限>Unknown authority
Query_all_packages<未知权限>Unknown authority
Hardware_teest<硬件测试> Access hardware auxiliary equipment for hardware testing

Gohan Game Hall

Software sizeThe41.68 MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheFree software
Update timeThe2024-09-06
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTheOther games
Filing numberTheZhejiang ICP No. 2021037593 -8A
Software manufacturerTheJiaxing Weimeng Technology Co., Ltd.
Due to policy adjustments, download will not be available for the time being

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Download address

Recommend for you:- Gohan Game Hall

Basic profile
The first logo of the Gohan Game Hall

Gohan Game HallIt is a comprehensive game platform, a truly classic and easy -to -use online battleSimulatorEssence The game hall is powerful, and the various types of the entire network are brought togethergameSupport multiple simulators such as pick -up, GBA, PSP, FC. Players across the country automatically match, no delayOnline. Deep customized remote sensing tricks, custom composition, one -click skills. There is also the Gohan community, choose your favorite topic, and the game friends talk together, and the boutique strategy reads freely! Gohan Game Hall 2024 download.

Similar software
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Screenshot of Gohan Game Hall

Common questions in Gohan Game Hall

         Gohan Game HallGolden fingerHow to enter the code?

1. Taking the dark phantom as an example, we teach everyone.

Screenshot of Gohan Game Hall

2. First click the pause button below the screen, as shown in the figure below.

Screenshot of Gohan Game Hall

3. Click the golden finger as shown in the figure below.

Screenshot of Gohan Game Hall

4. Enter the golden finger, you can use the platform with the platform, or you can go to the Internet for input.

Screenshot of Gohan Game Hall

      How to connect the Gohan game hallhandleWhat's more?

1. If it is a PC Duan Wuhan game hall, you can directly link the handle to the computer.

2. If it is Android/iOS, the following operations are required:

(1) Open Gohan Game Hall -Mine -handle;

Screenshot of Gohan Game Hall

(2) Click the handle function to turn on Bluetooth

(3) I will jump to the phone at this timeBluetoothPage, just turn on the linked handle Bluetooth.

Software characteristics of Gohan Game Hall

      Massive classic game

Massive classic games, wait for you to play for free anytime, anywhere!

      Real -time battle on the whole network

National real -time online battle, pick -up PK is waiting for you to fight!

      Community interaction

Rich peripheral benefits, users' community homeland!

      Daily recommendation

The homepage is recommended daily to help users say goodbye to the game shortage

Screenshot of Gohan Game Hall

The game strategy area of ​​Gohan Game Hall

The Gohan Game Hall is a comprehensive game platform. Here is a variety of game types in the entire network, such as the hottest stand -alone game, classic arcade IP, and various online games. Since most of the classic old games, the Gohan game hall also provides a customs clearance strategy of various classic games:

Classic arcade:Street overlord, Super Marie, the Three Kingdoms Battle, Journey to the West, Double Dragon, Dinosaurs, Hit

role play:Pokemon Phantom, Assassin's Creed, Douro Mainland, Dou Breaking the Sky

Action adventure:Naruto, Locke, Adventure Island, Digimon Adventure

Leisure puzzle:Reversal referee, Xinglu ceremony, and Tao Tower to play by themselves

Comparison of Gohan Game Hall and Chicken Simulator

If you use a computer to play the game, then the chick simulator is preferred; if you use your mobile phone, you will preferGohan Game HallEssence

In terms of gaming, if you like to play with other players, you can choose the Wuhan game hall, because the battle hall in the Gohan game hall gathers gamers and various masters from all over the country. If you just simply experience the game plot It is also recommended to choose the chicken simulator, because the game resources can be increased unlimited, but the core battle system of the Gohan game hall core is not so easy to break.

In general, the two simulators have their own good, and you can download it to try it.

Huajun Software Park provides you with a chicken simulator for free download:

Gohan Game Hall Update Log

1. Increase the discovery content;

2. Interface UI cool revision;

3. Fix the flashback bug.

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

Gohan Game HallIt is a well -received comprehensive game platform. To this end, Huajun Software Park provides all users with the download path of other game platforms. I believe everyone will like these software.Steam game platformAs well asWegameWelcome everyone to come and download!

Common problem

Gohan Game Hall

Gohan Game Hall
