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Location: front page————Android software————application————Leisure and entertainment ———— Amoy Fund Client Software


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
Internet<访问网络> Access network connection, GPRS traffic may be generated
Read_external_storage<访问外部存储> Access to external storage permissions
Camera<拍照权限> Allow access to the camera to take pictures
Record_audio<录音> Recording sounds through mobile phones or headphones
Request_install_packages<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_phone_state<读取电话状态> Access telephone status
Access_wifi_State<获取WiFi状态> Get the status of the current wifi access and information about WLAN hotspots
Access_network_State<获取网络状态> Obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Modify_audio_settings<修改声音设置> Modify the sound setting information
Bluetooth<使用蓝牙> Allow programs to connect pairing Bluetooth equipment
Foreground_service<未知权限>Unknown authority
Wake_lock<唤醒锁定> Allow the procedure after the mobile phone screen is turned off and the background process is still running

Amoy Fund Client Software 1.01.001

Software sizeThe44.3 MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-09-06
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTheLeisure and entertainment
Filing numberTheShu ICP No. 09006579 -32A
Software manufacturerTheGuojin Securities Co., Ltd.

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Download address

Basic profile
Taohao Fund Client Software Section LOGO
Amoying Fund Client Software has characteristics such as its official background, smart selection capacity, personalized service, convenient transactions, investment education and community exchanges, as well as comprehensive fund information inquiry, screening, transaction, account management and investment sac For the functions, provide fund investors with a comprehensive and one -stop fund wealth management service.

Screenshot of the Fund Client Software

Software characteristics

Officially produced by Guojin: Amoy Fund is one -stop fund wealth management service platform under Guojin Securities. Relying on the deep industry background and rich resources of Guojin Securities, it provides users with professional and reliable fund wealth management services.

Smart selection: Using big data and multi -dimensional analysis, scientifically selected high -quality fund products, followed the market dynamics, captured the latest investment hotspots, helped users choose excellent selection and best value, and achieved wealth appreciation.

Personalized services: According to the market conditions and user personalization needs, accurately match wealth management products to help users quickly find financial management methods that are suitable for themselves and the current market.

Convenient transactions: support a variety of transaction methods, including fixed investment, single investment and intelligent fixed investment, to meet the needs of different investors. At the same time, it provides 7*24 hours online account opening services, and enjoys discounts when opening an account.

Investment education: Built -in fund colleges, fund PK, fixed investment calculators and other tools to provide users with comprehensive investment education content, help users enhance investment and wealth management knowledge, and better plan the future of finance.

Community exchanges: With social functions, users can communicate with other investors in the community, share investment experience, and form a good investment atmosphere.

Screenshot of the Fund Client Software

Software function

Fund information query: Provide real -time fund net worth query functions, which is convenient for users to master the fund dynamics they invest at any time.

Fund screening tools: built -in fund screening tools, users can easily find fund products that are suitable for them according to their own risk appetite and investment goals.

Market dynamic receiving: timely push market dynamics and industry news to help users make more wise investment decisions.

Transaction operation: Support the purchase, redemption, conversion, setting dividend method, rotor custody, setting investment and other transaction operations of wealth management products. The operation is easy and professional.

Account Management: Users can manage their account information in the software, including modifying personal information, passwords, transfers of silver transfers, and changing tripartite depository banks.

Investment cubes: Instant display selection fund rankings, including the popular fund list, fixed investment championship list, revenue championship list, etc., providing users with investment reference.

Screenshot of the Fund Client Software

Common problem

1. How to register and log in to Amoy Fund Client?


Users can complete the registration by filling in the relevant information (such as mobile phone numbers, verification codes, passwords, etc.) through the registration page of the fund client.

After the registration is successful, you can log in to the Tao Fund Client after the registration of the registration.

2. How to purchase and redemption from fund?


In the Tao Good Fund client, users can find the fund product of the fund product or use the screening tool through the fund product list.

Click the "Buy" button to fill in the purchase amount, payment method and other information according to the prompts. After the payment is completed, you can successfully purchase the fund.

When the redeeming fund, the user needs to enter the "My Press" page, select the fund products that need to be redeemed, fill in the redemption share and submit the redemption application.

Amoy Fund Client Software Update Log:

1: The new interface, refreshing, simple, efficient

2: The performance is getting better and better

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

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Common problem