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Location: front page————Android software————application————Life service ———— Zhongtong Express


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
Users-Permission: 'Android.permission.read_external_Storage', the program can read the file of the device's external storage space (built-in SDCARD and external SDCARD) files)
Users-Permission: '', allows the program to access the camera to take pictures
uses-permission: 'Android.Permission.Foreground_service'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.read_Contacts', allows program access to contact address book information
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_Coarse_Location', allows programs
USES-PERMISSION: 'Android.Permission.access_fine_location', allows the program to receive the positioning information of the satellite via GPS chip by GPS chip
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_network_State', allows programs to obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
USES-PERMISSION: 'Android.Permission.access_wifi_State', allows the program to obtain the status of the current WIFI access and information of the WLAN hotspot
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.change_wifi_State', allows the program to change the wifi status
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.internet', allows programs to access network connection, which may generate GPRS traffic
Users-PerMission: 'Android.Permission.read_phone_State', allows the program to access the telephone status
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_extRNAL_STORAGE', allows the program to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_Location_Extra_Commands', allows programs to access additional positioning provider instructions
uses-permission: ''
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.record_Audio', allows the program to record sounds through mobile phones or headphones
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.vibrate', allows program vibration
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.wake_lock', allows the program to run after the phone screen is closed
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_Contacts', writes to contact, but cannot be readable
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.Bluetooth', allows the program to connect the pairing Bluetooth device
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.flashlight', allows accessing flash
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.reorder_tasks', allowing the program to re-sort the task of the system of the Z axis of the Z axis.
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.request_install_packages', allows access to the installation application from unknown sources
Users-Permission: 'CN.Beekee.zhongtong.Permission.Process_Push_MSG'
Users-Permission: 'CN.Beekee.zhongtong.Permission.jpush_Message'
Users-Permission: 'com.coloros.mcs.Permission.recieve_mcs_message'
Users-Permission: 'Com.heytap.mcs.Permission.Recieve_mcs_Message'
Users-Permission: 'CN.Beekee.zhongtong.Permission.mipush_Receive'
uses-permission: '''
uses-permission: '''
Users-Permission: 'com.oppo.launcher.Permission.read_Settings'
Users-Permission: 'com.oppo.launcher.Permission.write_Settings'
uses-Permission: ''
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.mount_unmount_FileSystems', allows programmeal mounting, anti-mounting external file system
uses-permission: 'Android.permission.read_privileged_phone_State'
Users-Permission: '', allows an application to add a voice mail system
uses-permission: 'Android.permission.download_without_notification'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.Bluetooth_admin', allows the program to discover and pair the new Bluetooth equipment
Users-Permission: 'CN.Beekee.zhongtong.Permission.push_Provider'
uses-permission: 'com.huawei.appmarket.service.Commondata.Permission.get_common_data' '

Zhongtong Express 6.10.3

Software sizeThe58.89 MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-09-05
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTheLife service
Filing numberTheShanghai ICP No. 13044869 -23A
Software manufacturerTheZhongtong Express Co., Ltd.

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Other versions Download address

Recommend for you:- Zhongtong Express

Basic profile
Zhongtong Express Section first logo
The official production of Zhongtong Express is a comprehensive express logistics service platform that integrates functions, checking, freight and timeliness, and online after -sales.

Zhongtong Express Screenshot

【Function Introduction】

• Reservation and sending: You can make an appointment for designated exclusive brothers to pick up the door, choose courier inspection, privacy numbers, courier -generating goods receiving payment, exclusive delivery and other services;

• Express information: Express information is updated in real time, you can use your mobile phone number and account number binding, enter the transport order number or scan the method of scanning, check the delivery logistics information of the order within half a year;

• Outlet query: The nearby outlets can be seen, and you can also search for keywords to find outlets to support map navigation, telephone consultation outlets and other functions;

• Address Management: When sending it, you can select the delivery address from the address book to avoid repeated manual filling, which is more convenient and fast;

• Time of freight: Choose the weight of the delivery city and courier, you can estimate the freight and delivery time; more functions are waiting for you to explore ...

Zhongtong Express Screenshot

Frequently Asked Questions of Zhongtong Express

Account registration and login

Problem description: Users may encounter cases that cannot register new accounts, forget the password cannot log in, account is locked.


When registering, make sure that the input mobile phone number or mailbox address is correct, and the registration process is completed according to the prompts of the APP.

When you forget the password, you can retrieve the password function provided by the APP, enter the mobile phone number or mailbox binding during registration, and reset the password according to the prompt.

When the account is locked, it may be because you enter the error password or other security reasons multiple times. It is recommended to contact Zhongtong Express customer service to unlock.

Zhongtong Express update log:

1. The details are more outstanding!

2. Bug go without trace

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