Application functions
1. Diversified work
You can choose job recruitment for both online part-time and offline part-time jobs
2. Reward upon joining
Recruiters reward job seekers based on entry time
3. Job hunting is safer
Multiple review mechanisms and complaint banning mechanisms provide multiple protections
4. More accurate job hunting
Multi-dimensional matching of online part-time jobs and offline part-time jobs is more accurate
5. Recruitment is faster
Recruiters can use one-click mass messaging and exposure of positions more conveniently
6. Recruitment is more efficient
Multi-dimensional matching of job positions and resumes for more efficient recruitment
Fuji Part-time Update Log:
1. Fixed other bugs;
2. Optimized software compatibility.
Huajun editor recommends:
Fuji Part-Time is a software that does not require learning to use. It is a very simple tool. Users in need can download and use it in the Huajun Software Park. You are guaranteed to be satisfied. In addition, there are many similar software of the same type available for download, such as:flying cat cloud,Rabbit IP,One-click sharing-Android version,Hupu,Online every daywait.
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