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Location: front page————PC software————Free game————Action ———— Tank world
Tank world

The latest version of Tank World

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  • Software authorization: Shared software
  • Software size: 22.23MB
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  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Update time: 2024-09-05
  • Application platform: winall
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Version: latest version

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Recommend for you:- Tank World Plug -in Box Tank world

Basic profile
LOGO, the first section of the tank world
Tank worldThe client is a third -person tank with the background of World War IIFight againstThe official version of the Tank World has a large number of real tank types. Players can drive the classic tank chariot of the last century to compete with the enemy for territory. The high degree of tank world game restores the shape and performance of the tank. It supports 30 players to conduct PVP battles at the same time.Strategic and cooperative. Huajun Software Park provides you with an official download address!

Tank World Screenshot

Tank World Game Mode

      【Standard Mode】

1. Standard campaign: Within fifteen minutes, eliminate all the tanks of the opponent, or occupy the base to win. The standard mode will use all in the Tank Worldmap

2. Insider and defense: In the offensive and defensive mode, there is only one base on the map. It belongs to the defensive party. The purpose of the offensive is to seize this base, and the purpose of the defense is to prevent the base from falling. It only takes 10 minutes, and the time is exhausted. The defender wins, so the attacker who likes to fight steadily must pay attention to time, and do not lose money because of exhaustion. The main competition between the two sides is actually not around the base, but around the depth of strategy, because there is room for artillery to move in the depth, the greater the space for artillery activities, and the more full of firepower. Map of offensive and defensive campaigns, Elsburg, Kajuelia , Provehrovka, Malinovka, Desert Town

3. Battle of the flag: The two sides compete for the only base located on the map. The occupation time is longer than the normal mode. When the other's vehicle enters the circle, the occupation time will be temporarily frozen, making it difficult to seize one party. It must be destroyed by annihilating. The enemy has the advantage of living forces to occupy success. Battle of the Battle of Banner Eric, Ansk, Smmersdorf, Ruabek, Zigfi Defense Line, Wilderness

      【Training Mode】

In the training mode, players can create a room, choose the map freely, open it to other players to enter, or invite friends to enter the room. Use this mode to perform 1 VS 1 The simulation battle can contact the combat skills and familiar with the map. In the training mode, in addition to the shells and consumption costs, the maintenance costs of the tank are free.

   【Union Model】

Players with a high -end account can create their own wing in the wing mode and invite friends to join. After the federation is completed, choose to enter the battle to fight against other wings. The winning team can obtain some silver coin income and experience of the Failure, and the players who win the winning team allocate silver currency income and experience based on their performance. The wing is divided into four types: primary, intermediate, senior, unlimited levels according to the sum of the tank level.

   【Special Model】

The territory battle is "Tank World" based onBrowserMulti -person militarysimulationgame. In the territorial battle, players need to make a fellow comrades -in -arms to create a legion to compete with other legions on the global combat map.

Players with a tank with a level 5 or more can create their own legions with at least 5 tanks to participate in a battle. Players obtain the gold coin income of the territory by occupying and expanding the territory on the map.

      【7v7 mode】

1. Team requirements

There must be 7 players in each team (not the previous 5-7 person);

Any other chariot can be used;

Gold coins and gold coins can be used for use;

Only allowed level 6, 7, and level 8 to participate;

The sum of the level of all chariots in the team cannot exceed 54;

There are only two forms of chariots in each team: 8*8*8*8*8*8*7*7 or 8*8*8*8*8*8*6.

2. Combat rules

Maps used in combat: Proveholov, Zigfield Defense Line, Smmersdoff, Ruobak, Mullerva, coastal hegemony, barbaric land, Kazaka, Halkov, Simmer, Simmer Errsopov (winter) and polar ice fields;

Battle time: 7 minutes;

Fighting: Attack and defense, that is, one party attacked one side defense.

3. Offensive and defensive rules

Two teams participate in the battle-offense and defense;

Both offensive and defensive are randomly generated;

The defensive party has two bases, and the offense has no base.

4. Victory rules

A battle of fighting;

The offensive party meets the following conditions to win:

The attacker occupies one base (two bases are independent occupation scores, independent of each other);

The attacker destroys all the enemy's chariot;

Defensor meets the following conditions to win:

The defense side destroys all the enemy's chariot;

During the specified battle time, the enemy did not occupy the base;

Tingu: All chariots on both sides are destroyed;

(The time for a chariot to occupy the base is 120 seconds)

Tank World Screenshot

Tank World items props


Accessories can improve the performance of tanks. Each accessory has its own purpose. According to different tank levels, the price of similar accessories is different. Different from giving, accessories that one -time consumption will not be consumed because of the battle field, so its price is more expensive, and a accessory can only be transferred to a tank.

Auxiliary accessories can be disassembled freely. There is a lock logo in the permanent accessories. It takes 10 gold coins to remove it when dismantling, otherwise the accessory will be damaged. The removal accessories are stored in the warehouse, and you can choose a tank to install these accessories again. The tanks in the battle cannot be installed or removed.


Nure is a one -time use in battle, providing special functions for certain behaviors or single games. All kinds of support have their own functions, can repair certain components of the tank, can heal the injured members, and enhance the performance of the tank.

Give nutrients into ordinary nourishment and high -level nourishment, and buy silver coins and gold coins respectively. In a single battle, a tank can carry three different feeds. Although it is not possible to carry two of the same support, it can be equipped with ordinary and advanced equipment, such as carrying large repair boxes and small repair boxes at the same time. Under the default conditions, use the shortcut keys to raise "4", "5", and "6" respectively.

   Artillery shell

Before entering the battle, please configure the required shells based on the type of artillery of the tank. The number of tanks with artillery shells is related to the caliber of the current turret and artillery of tanks. Choosing different types of shells will affect the combat performance of the tank. Let's make a brief introduction to the performance characteristics of various cannonballs.

Tank World Screenshot

Tank World Scene Map

      Main interface map

Every time the player enters the game, the default is in the main interface garage.

The upper left corner of the garage is the menu. Players can set up games, images, volume, control, and standard lines in it. On the left is the choice of personnel. On the right is some game transaction operations, the middle is the tank, the tank is equipped below the equipment, and the bottom is the tank selection interface. When the novice first came in, the system would give 3 tanks, namely S, D, and M.


There are 25 maps in the game in the game. In the main interface map, players can enter these battle maps through different matching.

After the player matches successfully, enter the map. The map contains trees, grass, houses, etc. The overall dark or rainy weather. In these maps, players, the higher the score of each game settlement in a single game, and the more experience in the experience value, gold coins, and points.

Tank World Screenshot

Tank World Key Operation

W forward S Step, A left, dive, and right turn.

Number keys are shortcut keys for changing ammunition, using repair packs, first aid packs, and fire extinguishing fire

C is a compulsory loading. Before the departure is not finished, you can use C for reinstallation

Z is the fast command button, which can notify teammates offensive, backward

X is a locking body, generally for artillery, when the turret moves to the shooting world, the car body will not move

Q is the key to press the key after the team

Ctrl is released in the mouse. There is no mouse in the game combat interface.

Alt is an additional information prompt button, you can see the teammate's name, tank level and the like

ATL+TAB is to switch between lines

Shift is a artillery opening Eagle eye aiming mode

The mouse button is left -button, the right -click is to automatically lock the enemy, and the middle roller is the mirror multiples

The next is the plug -in

If Q is a voice call, E generally sets the grass

G is the perspective of artillery's parabola

The space can be set for second repair or fire extinguishing

Tank World Screenshot

Common questions and answers

How to improve the combat effectiveness?

Enhance combat effectiveness requires players to continue to accumulate experience and skills in the game. It is recommended that players participate in the battle more and be familiar with the performance and gameplay of different tanks; at the same time, pay attention to observing and learning the combat strategies and skills of other players; in addition, they can also improve their combat effectiveness by purchasing advanced accounts and gold coin tanks.

How to avoid being easily destroyed by the enemy?

The key to avoiding being easily destroyed by the enemy is to master the correct combat strategies and skills. For example, keep vigilant and flexible in battle to avoid staying at the same position for a long time; at the same time, you must make full use of terrain and bunkers for cover and counterattack; in addition, you need to pay attention to the firepower and armor distribution of the enemy, choose the right attack attack Time and angle.

Tank World Update Log

1. Fix the bug, the new version experience is better

2. Change some pages

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