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Location: front page————Android software————application————Document business ———— Partner cloud


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.read_Contacts', allows program access to contact address book information
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.internet', allows programs to access network connection, which may generate GPRS traffic
uses-permission: '', create a shortcut
Users-Permission: 'Android.permission.read_external_Storage', the program can read the file of the device's external storage space (built-in SDCARD and external SDCARD) files)
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_extRNAL_STORAGE', allows the program to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_network_State', allows programs to obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.change_wifi_State', allows the program to change the wifi status
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.request_install_packages', allows access to the installation application from unknown sources
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.mount_unmount_FileSystems', allows programmeal mounting, anti-mounting external file system
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.record_Audio', allows the program to record sounds through mobile phones or headphones
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.wake_lock', allows the program to run after the phone screen is closed
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.vibrate', allows program vibration
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.read_logs', allows the program to read the underlying log of the system
uses-permission: ''
uses-permission: 'Android.permission.download_without_notification'
Users-PerMission: 'Android.Permission.get_tasks', allows the program to get task information
Users-Permission: 'Android.PerMission.receive_Boot_Completed', allows the program to boot automatic operation and run automatically
USES-PERMISSION: 'Android.Permission.access_wifi_State', allows the program to obtain the status of the current WIFI access and information of the WLAN hotspot
Users-PerMission: 'Android.Permission.read_phone_State', allows the program to access the telephone status
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.System_alert_window', allows the program display system window
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.call_phone', allows the program to call from the non-system dial device
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_Coarse_Location', allows programs
USES-PERMISSION: 'Android.Permission.access_fine_location', allows the program to receive the positioning information of the satellite via GPS chip by GPS chip
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_Location_Extra_Commands', allows programs to access additional positioning provider instructions
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.Bluetooth', allows the program to connect the pairing Bluetooth device
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.Bluetooth_admin', allows the program to discover and pair the new Bluetooth equipment
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.Manage_accounts', allows the program to manage the account list in accountmanager
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.get_accounts', allows program access to the account Gmail list
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_Settings', allows the program to read or write the system settings
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.change_configuration', allowing the current application to change the configuration, such as positioning
uses-permission: 'Android.Permission.Foreground_service'
uses-permission: 'Android.permission.use_fingerPrint'
uses-permission: 'Android.permission.use_biometric'
Users-Permission: '', allows the program to access the camera to take pictures
uses-permission: 'com.huoban.permission.mipush_Receive'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.request_install_packages', allows access to the installation application from unknown sources
uses-permission: ''
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.BroadCast_Sticky', allows the program to quickly receive the next broadcast after receiving the broadcast
uses-permission: 'com.huoban.permission.prcess_push_msg'
Users-Permission: 'com.coloros.mcs.Permission.recieve_mcs_message'

Partner Yun v4.6.11

Software sizeThe40.8 MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-08-30
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTheDocument business
Filing numberTheBeijing ICP No. 12038259 -14A
Software manufacturerThePartner Wisdom (Beijing) Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Other versions Download address

Recommend for you:- Partner cloud

Basic profile
Partner Yun Duan first logo
The partner Yun China Merchants combined with the actual combat experience of the building's investment in the building, and provides investment promotion platforms with accurate customer acquisition, efficient management, and intelligent data analysis for the investment personnel and management. Management, payment notice, and recovery and receipt of full cycle online management, solve the investment pain points of the building and parks, improve the efficiency of investment promotion, and balance the industrial ecology.

Stereer of partner cloud

Partner cloudSoftware characteristics

[Data Output] Used to notify automatic push, the contract is automatically reminded, the customer list guide backup, and the report sharing.

[Data input] For customer questionnaire feedback, WeChat appointment registration, internal information collection, self -system docking, etc.

[Data Analysis] Intelligent analysis of data and presented visualization. Can be used for monthly revenue reports, sales curve comparison, etc.

[Data Collaboration] Invite colleagues to join, set permissions, and edit together to achieve multi -terminal synchronization.

[Data Circulation] The automatic circulation of data is achieved, and the scenarios such as automatic archiving in the task and automatic distribution of work orders have played an important role.

Stereer of partner cloud

Partner cloudSoftware highlight

[Database engine] Flexible construction of data structures that meet business needs, multi -dimensional distribution of data permissions, ensuring security while providing cooperation efficiency far exceeding Excel.

[Process engine] Support BPMN 2.0 strong process engine, which can design complex processes with multi -branch, multi -rule, multi -permissions, and multi -processing, and build a full -process closed loop of the enterprise business.

[Big Data Analysis Engine] Large -scale computing cluster not only provides big data analysis capabilities, but also gives data thinking, and has increased through data -driven performance.

[Workflow Engine] In order to meet the needs of personalized data processing, the workflow engine supports more than 10,000 circulation methods to achieve customized data computing, processing, linkage and circulation.

Common questions in partners cloud

Data import failure

Common reasons: Including unable to match options, unable to match related data, compulsory fields are empty, users containing non -existence, repetitive data, field values ​​exceed range, values ​​do not meet related field screeningrs, etc.

Solution: According to specific failures, users can take corresponding solutions, such as correction data that does not match, add preparation options, adjust the matching field, fill in the compulsory field data, replace the non -existent users as existing users, modify it, modify Repeated data is the unique value, adjust the range of the field value, or modify the class screening device.

Excel format problem

Problem description: There are multiple sheets in EXCEL, accompanied by chaotic formats such as merging cells, causing the introduction failure.

Solution: Only one sheet can be imported at a time, and the table is processed as a standard one -dimensional data table before importing to ensure that there are no complex formats such as merging cells.

Partner Cloud Update Log

1. Sweep the bug to go out to the end

2. The most stable version in history

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Common problem