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Location: front page————Android software————application————E -commerce shopping ———— Chengcheng Direct Sales Network


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
No reinforcement or unknown reinforcement
Internet<访问网络> Access network connection, GPRS traffic may be generated
Receive_user_present<未知权限>Unknown authority
Flashlight<使用闪光灯> Allow access flash
Modify_audio_settings<修改声音设置> Modify the sound setting information
Write_contacts<写入联系人> Write the contact, but not readable
Read_contacts<读取联系人> Allow application access contact address book information
Call_phone<拨打电话> Allow the program to enter the phone number from the non -system dial device
Mount_unmount_filesystems<挂载文件系统> Hanging, reverse mounting external file system
Request_install_packages<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_android_id<未知权限>Unknown authority
Access_coarse_Location<获取错略位置> Obtain the user's error latitude and longitude information through WiFi or mobile base stations, and the positioning accuracy is about 30 ~ 1500 meters.
Read_phone_state<读取电话状态> Access telephone status
Access_network_State<获取网络状态> Obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Access_wifi_State<获取WiFi状态> Get the status of the current wifi access and information about WLAN hotspots
Change_wifi_State<改变WiFi状态> Change the wifi state
Write_external_storage<写入外部存储> Allow programs to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Write_settings<读写系统设置> Allow read and write system settings item
Read_external_storage<访问外部存储> Access to external storage permissions
Access_fine_Location<获取精确位置> Receive the positioning information of the satellite through the GPS chip, the positioning accuracy is less than 10 meters
Access_Location_Extra_commands<访问定位额外命令> Allow programs to access additional positioning provider instructions
Access_network_State<获取网络状态> Obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Get_tasks<获取任务信息> Allow the program to obtain the current or recently operated applications
Reorder_tasks<排序系统任务> Re -sort the task in the running of the system Z axis
Access_network_State<获取网络状态> Obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Change_network_State<改变网络状态> Change the network status if it can be connected to the Internet
Write_external_storage<写入外部存储> Allow programs to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Read_phone_state<读取电话状态> Access telephone status
Access_wifi_State<获取WiFi状态> Get the status of the current wifi access and information about WLAN hotspots
NFC<允许NFC通讯> Allow the program to perform NFC close -range communication operations for mobile support
Camera<拍照权限> Allow access to the camera to take pictures
Vibrate<使用振动> Allow vibration
Change_wifi_State<改变WiFi状态> Change the wifi state
Post_notifications<未知权限>Unknown authority

Zicheng Direct Sales Network 4.6.6

Software sizeThe44.51 MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-07-11
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTheE -commerce shopping
Filing numberTheAnhui ICP No. 19013823 -3A
Software manufacturerTheAnhui Shengcheng Information Technology Co., Ltd.

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Basic profile
The first LOGO of Chengcheng Direct Sales Network
The Android version of the CICC Direct Sales Network is the Automotive Accessories Mall APP that is directly cooperated with the manufacturer. It can directly search for related products online according to the vehicle model to match the most suitable components for you, and can get a more favorable procurement price in today's spike activities.

Chengcheng Direct Sales Screenshot

Brief introduction

Caicheng Direct Sales Network is a car accessories manufacturer direct sales online shopping mall. It has been committed to providing 2265 customers with high -quality, cost -effective car -sharing product experience! Buy the Xincheng direct sales network on the accessories, there is no middleman!

Software characteristics

1. All types of snap -up products are updated every day, first come first served;

2. Enter the product details page, you can view the relevant consumer review scores;

3. After adding the product to the shopping cart, choose a hook product to settle the payment with one click;

4. Enter the name of the product to quickly and accurately locate the target, which is very convenient;

5. Enter the classification interface and have an intimate shopping guide bar, making you more convenient to find your goals;

6. Completed order support throughout the process, check the specific location and estimate delivery time;

Chengcheng Direct Sales Screenshot

Xincheng Direct Sales Network Update Log

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