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Location: front page————Android software————application————Study and education ———— Learn Plus


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
Reinforcement information: 360 reinforcement
Application authority (51)
Access_wifi_State Get wifi status to obtain the status of the current WIFI access and information about the WLAN hot spot
Access_network_State Get the network status to obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Manage_location_Policy unknown permissions
Access_coarse_LOCATION obtains a rough position to obtain user error information through WIFI or mobile base station. The positioning accuracy is about 30 ~ 1500 meters
Access_fine_location obtains the positioning information of the satellite through the GPS chip to receive the positioning information of the satellite, and the positioning accuracy is less than 10 meters.
Write_external_storage is written in external storage allowable programs to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Call_phone dial -up call allows the program to enter the phone number from the non -system dial device
Read_extRNAL_STORAGE access the permissions of external storage access to external storage
Mount_unmount_filesystems mount the file system to mount, reflect the external file system
Record_Audio recording recorded sound via mobile phone or headset Mike
WAKE_LOCK wakes up locking that allows the program to run in the background process after the mobile phone screen is closed
System_alert_window display system window display system window
Internet access network access network connection may generate GPRS traffic
Read_phone_State Read the phone status to the phone status
Mount_unmount_filesystems mount the file system to mount, reflect the external file system
Get_tasks to obtain task information allows programs to obtain the current or recently applied applications
Access_notification_POLICY unknown permissions
WAKE_LOCK wakes up locking that allows the program to run in the background process after the mobile phone screen is closed
Internet access network access network connection may generate GPRS traffic
Write_settings read and write system settings allow the read -write system setting item
Access_wifi_State Get wifi status to obtain the status of the current WIFI access and information about the WLAN hot spot
Access_network_State Get the network status to obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Change_network_State Change the network status and change the network state. If it can be connected
Change_wifi_State Change the wifi status to change the wifi status
Get_tasks to obtain task information allows programs to obtain the current or recently applied applications
Manage_external_storage unknown permissions
Camera camera permission allows access to the camera to take pictures
Flashlight uses flash to allow access to the flash
Vibrate uses vibration to allow vibration
Send_sms Send SMS Send SMS
Kill_background_processses end the background process allows the program to call KillbackGroundProcessses (String).
Restart_packages End the System Mission Ending Task Task Task EstartPackage (String) method. This method will be abandoned by foreign
Modify_audio_settings Modify sound settings Settings Settings Settings Information
Disable_keyguard disable keyboard lock allows programs to disable keyboard locks
Bluetooth uses Bluetooth to allow programs to connect pairing Bluetooth devices
Bluetooth_admin Bluetooth management allows programs to discover and match new Bluetooth equipment
Broadcast_sticky continuous broadcast allows a program to quickly receive the next broadcast after receiving the broadcast
Receive_Boot_Completed boot automatically allows the program to boot automatic operation
Request_install_packages unknown permissions
Access_download_manager unknown permissions
Download_without_notification of unknown permissions
Expand_status_bar status bar control allows program extension or contracted status bar
Read_logs read system log Reading system underlying log
Reorder_tasks sorting system task to sort the system Z axis operation task
Read_privileged_phone_state Unknown permissions
Foreground_service unknown authority
Schedule_exact_alarm unknown authority
Query_all_packages unknown permissions
Access_Background_Location Unknown Permanent
Post_notification of unknown permissions
Foreground_service_media_project unknown permissions

Learn Plus 9.31.18 latest version

Software sizeThe238.01MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-05-11
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTheStudy and education
VersionThe9.31.18 latest version
Filing numberTheBeijing ICP No. 18042579 -30A
Software manufacturerTheHongcheng Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Download address

Basic profile
Learn the LOGO of the Plus section

Learn Plus APPA comprehensiveTeaching serviceThe platform has truly realized the Internet of education. There are various good books and questions on the platform. Users can find what they want on it. Huajun Software Park provides you with Plus2024 free download. Come and experience it Intersection

Learn Plus screenshots

Learn Plus software introduction

Teaching applications integrating learning, teaching, management, and serving one, seamlessly connect with the PC -side teaching management system, and meet the needs of mobile teaching and management of higher education colleges to the greatest extent.

Learn Plus screenshots

Learn Plus software characteristics

   1. Personalized production tasks, all courses have clear learning tasks, which helps students to grasp the theme of curriculum learning;

2. Intelligent production and learning report, no manual processing is required, all of which are automatically made by software, which can analyze the learning data well;

3. Automatic statistics to the most detained courses for users to be able to learn the courses flexibly when there is demand to find the course;

4. They are all online video courses. Don't worry about learning time. You can learn efficiently using fragmented time and leisure time;

5. I have brought a lot of learning materials for everyone. Friends with learning needs can directly cache the learning materials to facilitate learning;

6. One -stop learning courses brought to teachers and friends fully meet everyone’s learning needs, and can better learn knowledge online;

Learn Plus screenshots

Learn Plus software function

Study courses are very rich, such as teacher information literacy training, teacher qualification training, teacher professional ability training, employee training practice and other subject courses, which can meet the learning needs of super many people; It is more convenient when it is allowed to let everyone understand their learning situation, the system will automatically count the recent curriculum learning record so that users can continue to learn the curriculum knowledge when they use it. It can be easier.

Learn the plus update log

1. Fix the bug, the new version experience is better

2. Change some pages

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