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Location: front page————PC software————Free game————Action ———— Invincible Edition of the Green Corps
Invincible Edition of the Green Corps

The Chinese Version of the Invincible Edition of the Green Corps

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  • Software authorization: Shared software
  • Software size: 0.11MB
  • Software score:
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Update time: 2021-07-20
  • Application platform: winall
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Version: Chinese version

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Basic profile
Logo, the first section of the Green Corps Invincible Edition
The Chinese version of the Invincible Edition of the Green Corps is a classic and fun weapon war shooting game. In the Green Corps Invincible version of the game, you shoulder the mission of destroying the secret weapon of the enemy, the classic game screen, and the familiar game operation. Moving on the plane!

Screenshot of the Invincible Edition of the Green Corps

Green Corps Invincible Edition Game Guide

First level game experience

The first obstacle should be the simplest in the game of the Green Corps, but for some players who have not played this game, the pass is not very smooth. But it doesn't matter. After reading this strategy and experience, I believe you will be very easy to cross the first barrier, so that it is not a problem to pass other levels.

First level enemy feelings:

The enemy of the first level is mainly some soldiers (hereinafter referred to as the soldiers) who do not have any special skills, and there are several scatcher legs and weapon soldiers.

The first barrier prompt:

The first level was just under the railway bridge. The first thing that appeared was some soldiers. As long as the direction of the Qing Xiaobing came, it would be easy to defeat them. The appearance of the soldiers in a screen is actually regular. First defeat a small soldier who came to the right of the screen, and then defeated the two consecutive soldiers who came on the left side of the screen and immediately left the screen. The number of small soldiers within a screen is unlimited. This is the most conservative game of the Green Corps and the most stable play. It is suitable for all obstacles of this game. Therefore, for new players, if you feel that you do n’t have a bottom, you can use the small broken step to move the distance, because there is no time limit for this game.

After taking another distance, you will find a lying weapon. If you defeat him, there will be a rocket launcher and take it to continue. You can use the rocket launchers to bombard the enemy. However, the enemy of this barrier can be assassinated with a knife. The rocket launcher can only be used three times. Players should use it with caution. Through the railway bridge and reach the satellite launch base, there are three mines below. After lying down, they bombed them with rockets, and they can also bombard the enemy. Go right, there will be a row of trucks. At this time, the new enemies will appear. However, it is all on the top of the truck. The most stable play is not to climb to the truck, although the soldiers below are assassinated. Continue to walk under the truck and encounter a scatcher leg. All the sculfic legs in this level appear from the right side of the screen. When you assassinate the shirk on the right side of the screen, you can stop and keep the knife until he walks in front of you and fly, and you defeat him. However, it must be maintained for a certain distance, and it will be attacked by flying legs too close. You can also jump up and assassinate him when the sclerot is taking off. The emergence of the scalp leg is also regular. First of all, the scalp leg can only appear in a fixed screen, and all the scums appear only once, unlike the soldiers can appear infinitely. Therefore, the player can continue to move forward or assassinate the soldiers after defeating the script. In particular, it is necessary to use the most conservative play to defeat the soldiers who interfere with you to assassinate the scalp leg, because it is very difficult to assassinate the two directions at the same time, and it can also be said that it is 100 % to be killed. Please think about this by yourself, you can do so after you are proficient.

After defeating the scoop -up legs, he defeated the weapon soldiers under the truck and got a rocket launcher. Bring it through the truck row, and then pass through the satellite launch base. At this time, there is a mines on the ground and some soldiers pass by. Use a rocket barbar to deal with them all. If you walk to the right, you will appear to have a sweatman and soldiers, defeat them with the above play, and continue to reach the juncture.

The first point of the leader:

The first point is a group of sc gyes that are mixed with several soldiers. The play is very simple, just defeat them with the play just mentioned. If you have a rocket, you can push one with one. After defeating all the scatcher legs, the first barrier obstacle passed.

Screenshot of the Invincible Edition of the Green Corps

Green Corps Invincible Edition Game Cheats

Original (256K version) or disk version:

Selected level: When the title screen, press the following operation to select the level:

Press the direction of the P1 direction key, and then press the P2 under the P2 at the same time. The A, B key, and press the Start key of the P1 to enter the corresponding level.

10 people: Press the A key of P1 when the title screen is pressed, and then press the P2 at the same time.

Green Corps Invincible Edition Update Log

1. Optimize content

2. The details are more outstanding.

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

After the official continuous update iteration, the Green Corps has become very stable and powerful to meet all your needs. I have prepared for you"Doll Heroes"As well as60 seconds before the earth perishAs well as"Honorary Medal of Honor"As well asArmor Warriors Fighting Yanlong's invincible versionAs well asSpider -Man Broken Metropolis

Common problem

Invincible Edition of the Green Corps

The Chinese Version of the Invincible Edition of the Green Corps
