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Engineering Statistics Form

Engineering volume statistical table free version

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  • Software authorization: Shared software
  • Software size: 0.01MB
  • Software score:
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Update time: 2021-07-14
  • Application platform: Winall
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Version: Free version

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Engineering quantity statistical table first logo
Engineering Statistics FormWhether each sub -item or sub -item project and component are represented by a physical measurement unit or a natural measurement unit. The free download of the engineering volume statistics form is provided by the Huajun Software Park for you. The source file is XLSX format. Download the source file to edit and modify the content style by yourself. For more relevant engineering volume statistical forms, please follow the Huajun Software Park for free. Screenshot of the statistical table of engineering quantity Engineering quantity statistical form introduction

Entry of the content statistical table of engineering quantity:

Calculate in order of clockwise
Take the upper left corner of the drawing as the starting point, and calculate it in turn in turn in turn, and return to the starting point after a week in the calculation order for a week.
Calculated in the order of number
The structural diagram includes different types of components of different types and different models, and is distributed in different parts. In order to facilitate calculation and review, the number of statistics in order of the component number needs to be calculated, and then calculated.
Calculate by axis number
For the complicated volume of the structure, in order to facilitate the calculation and review, some sub -items can be calculated according to the method of the construction graph axis number.
Segmentation calculation
In the long component, when the section changes, segmented calculations can be adopted.
Layered calculation
This method is more common in the calculation of engineering volume, such as walls, component layout, wall -column decoration, floor and ground practices, etc., should be calculated according to layers, and then the projects of the same engineering practices of each floor are summarized separately item.
Partition calculation
When the graphic design of large engineering projects is relatively complicated, the plane diagrams can be divided into several areas to calculate the amount of engineering in several areas at the telescopic seam or settlement joint, and then combine the projects of the same characteristics of each region.
Fast calculation
This method is a simple and fast method summarized according to the calculation characteristics and rules of the component or sub -project project on the basis of the basic method.

Engineering quantity statistical table universal skills

1: Automatically change the line
Put the text well in the unit, find the "Automatic Route" button on the toolbar to freely switch the text between changing and not changing lines.
2: Quickly select the formulation column
Select the form area, click "Create according to the selected content" dialog box under the [Formula] tab, select "First Line", set the name box in the upper left corner after setting, and click the corresponding list to jump to the specified column.
3: Format brush
The use of the format brush is very simple. Just click the format brush and then select the format to be copied. Finally, you choose a cell to be modified. You can modify it in batches.
4: Fill in the color interval to make the form more cool
Ctrl + t
First, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+right arrow+lower arrow to select the form, and then press Ctrl+T to achieve it.
The method of CTRL + T is very fast. It can quickly fill the form of the table, but it cannot achieve its own selected color.
Choose self -selected color filling method
First, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+right arrow+lower arrow to select the form. Then select the condition format in the start menu-new rules
Select the format to determine the cell that needs to set the format, and then enter the = mod (row (), 2) = 0 *0 in the format to indicate that the number of dwells is filled with
Then select the format button, open the fill tab, select your favorite color to fill

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Engineering Statistics Form

Engineering volume statistical table free version
