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Location: front page————PC software————Network software————Server class ———— Httpserver

Httpserver 1.0

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  • Software authorization: Shared software
  • Software size: 0.11MB
  • Software score:
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Update time: 2024-07-22
  • Application platform: Win
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Version: 1.0

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Httpserver section head LOGO
Httpserver can configure parameters through the httpserver.ini file. The parameters are more abundant and supplements the command line parameters.

Httpserver configuration file parameter introduction

Webpath: The release path of the web website is equivalent to the command line parameter "-w".

HomePage: The homepage of the web website is equivalent to the command line parameter "-H".

Port: The port number of the web service is equivalent to the command line parameter "-p".

Timeout: timeout, unit seconds, the default value is 60 seconds.

MaxConn: The maximum concurrent number is equivalent to the command line parameter "-m", and the default value is 20,000.

PostDataPath: Upload data preservation path, the default value is the TEMP directory of the current user.

1. Use scenario 1: When uploading files, the temporary path of uploading files is uploaded;

2. Use scenario 2: When the post request, if the user post data is too large, surpass the threshold specified by the "maxpostcachefilesize" field, Then turn to file storage to prevent the memory from being used too much;

Maxpostcachefilesize: When the post request, receive the maximum value of the post data cache cache. If it exceeds this value, the cache is transferred to a file, and the unit is byte byte;

MaxuploadFileSize: The maximum upload file size, unit M byte, the default value is 2G.

UseCacheMem: Whether to use the cache, the default value is 0, indicating not to use it. If the use of the cache, the server will use space to change time, open a number of continuous memory blocks in advance, and repeat the Malloc and free functions. Find the available "fragmented" memory in the pre -opened large memory block, thereby reducing The speed of frequent applications and destruction of memory is slowed down.

UseCacheClass: Whether to use the structure (Struct/Class) cache, the default value is 0, which means that it is not used. If this value is used, the server will use space to change time, that is, according to the number specified by MaxConn, the specified memory space is opened in advance. If MaxConn is 20,000, the corresponding 20,000 structures (Struct/Class) will be used to save the context of the context (Context) during HTTP session. Ibid, this value is also to reduce the speed caused by frequent applications and destruction of memory under high concurrency.

UseMappingFile: Whether to access disk files in the MAPPING FILE mode, the default value is 1, which means that it is used.

AccessControLolaLOWORIGIN: Whether to allow cross -domain, default value 1, which means allowed.

PrintMessage: Whether to output HTTP request at the console, default value 1, indicates print output.

Note: The output of the console must be closed when high and backward !!!

Allowupload: Whether or not uploading, the default value is 0, indicating that it is not allowed.

Allowcachefile: Whether the file cache allows the file, and the default value is 1, which means that when the value is valid, the file caches the file to avoid frequent disk file operations.

MaxCachefileSize: The maximum cache file size, the default value is 5 (unit m), the file smaller than the value will be loaded into the memory, and subsequent access will no longer read from the disk but read the memory directly.

HttpserverContent-Type type settings

Through ContentType.ini this configuration file, the user can add type-type type of the specified file type. When the browser read the file from the server,

The server returns the specified Content-Type to the browser according to the configuration file.

The configuration format is as follows, file extension: content-type

.Mp4: Video/MP4, indicating that if it is MP4 file, Content-Type is Video/MP4.

.Cc: Text/Plain, indicating that if it is a CC file, Content-Type is Text/Plain.

Httpservercgi gateway settings

The CGI gateway is set in the CGI.XML file. The meaning of each node is as follows:

Path: The directory where the CGI gateway file is located. This is the entire path. This path may not be in the Web directory published (it will be safer in the web directory).

Timeout: Performing the timeout of the gateway program, the unit seconds, the default value is 10 seconds, preventing some gateway procedures from exiting or not exiting for a long time.

CGI: Sub -node, each CGI sub -node represents a CGI gateway type.

CGI/name: The name of the CGI node, such as Python, indicates that the gateway file in the CGI is a Python script.

CGI/EXE: The full path of the application of the script, such as: c: python25python.exe.

CGI/ACTION: Response configuration, this node represents an HTTP request command that needs to be processed (on the server is an application). The node has two fields, as follows:

CGI/Action/AppName: The request command (application name) in URL, such as: python/

CGI/Action/FILENAME: processing the files requested above, such as:, the file must be in the directory specified by the above Path node.

1. The transfer of query-sring data

Python/ Key1 = Value1 & Key2 = Value2

"Key1 = value1 & key2 = value2" will be passed to the caller by command line parameters.

Python is: sys.argv [1], see the case for details:

2. Passing of post-data data

POST data transmission is obtained by reading standard input. Python is: sys.stdin.readline (). For details, see the case:


1. HTTPSERVER does not pass the environment variables to pass Query-String;

2. When the CGI gateway data is returned, the server will automatically add the Content-LENGTH field (based on the return data "RNRN" to calculate the length of the HTTP response header and the response body);

3. If the CGI gateway returns "RNRN" without "RNRN" to divide the HTTP response head and response body, the server will think that the response data is clear, and automatically adds the response header of "Text/PLAIN" and returns to the browser;

Users can configure multiple CGI sub -nodes as needed to handle different types of gateway programs (or scripts). There are two retention nodes in the CGI configuration, one is BAT and the other is EXE. For the BAT format script file under Windows, there is no need to specify the execution program, as well as the same exe file.

Click here to download, the gateway case file is in the CGI-BIN directory

The gateway configuration file is as follows:

HTTPSERVER screenshot

Python gateway file case:

HTTPSERVER screenshot

BAT batch of gateway file cases:

HTTPSERVER screenshot

EXE gateway file case:

HTTPSERVER screenshot

Httpserver built -in upload interface

Interface name: Command/

Using the post command, the file can be uploaded to the web release directory.

If you want to upload the file to the sub -directory of the web directory, you can specify it through the PATH parameter, as follows

Command/ Path = subfolder, subfolder is a subdirectory relative to the web directory.

HTTPSERVER screenshot

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