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Location: front page————Android software————application————Practical tool ———— Inspirational cloud


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_extRNAL_STORAGE', allows the program to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Users-Permission: 'Android.permission.read_external_Storage', the program can read the file of the device's external storage space (built-in SDCARD and external SDCARD) files)
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.manage_extRNAL_STORAGE'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.record_Audio', allows the program to record sounds through mobile phones or headphones
Users-Permission: '', allows the program to access the camera to take pictures
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.modify_Audio_Settings', allows the program to modify the sound settings information information
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.internet', allows programs to access network connection, which may generate GPRS traffic
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.change_wifi_State', allows the program to change the wifi status
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_network_State', allows programs to obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
USES-PERMISSION: 'Android.Permission.access_wifi_State', allows the program to obtain the status of the current WIFI access and information of the WLAN hotspot
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_Coarse_Location', allows programs
USES-PERMISSION: 'Android.Permission.access_fine_location', allows the program to receive the positioning information of the satellite via GPS chip by GPS chip
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.call_phone', allows the program to call from the non-system dial device
uses-permission: 'Android.permission.read_call_log', read call records
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.process_outgoing_calls', allow program surveillance, modify or abandon the broadcast call
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.read_Contacts', allows program access to contact address book information
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_Contacts', writes to contact, but cannot be readable
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.vibrate', allows program vibration
Users-PerMission: 'Android.Permission.read_phone_State', allows the program to access the telephone status
uses-permission: 'Android.permission.read_privileged_phone_State'
Users-PerMission: 'Android.Permission.read_calendar', allows the program to read the user's schedule information
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_calendar', allows the program to write the schedule, but cannot be read unable to read
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.System_alert_window', allows the program display system window
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.System_Overlay_window'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.change_network_State', allows programs to change the network status, such as whether to connect to
Users-Permission: 'Com.huawei.SystemManager.Permission.access_interface'
uses-permission: 'Android.Permission.Foreground_service'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.read_logs', allows the program to read the underlying log of the system
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.wake_lock', allows the program to run after the phone screen is closed
Users-PerMission: 'Android.Permission.get_tasks', allows the program to get task information
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_Settings', allows the program to read or write the system settings
uses-permission: 'com.lixiaoyun.aike.permission.mipush_receive'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.request_install_packages', allows access to the installation application from unknown sources
uses-permission: 'com.lixiaoyun.aike.permission.prcess_push_msg'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.expand_Status_bar', allows programs to expand or shrink the status bar
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.use_sip', allows the program to use SIP video service
uses-Permission: ''
uses-permission: ''
uses-permission: ''
Users-Permission: ''
Users-Permission: 'com.lixiaoyun.aike.andpermission.bridge'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.scheDule_exact_alarm'
uses-permission: ''
uses-permission: 'Android.permission.query_all_packages'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_background_Location'
uses-permission: 'com.lixiaoyun.aike.permission.push_provider'
Users-Permission: 'com.coloros.mcs.Permission.recieve_mcs_message'
Users-Permission: 'Com.heytap.mcs.Permission.Recieve_mcs_Message'
Users-Permission: ''
Users-Permission: ''
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.flashlight', allows accessing flash
uses-permission: 'com.huawei.appmarket.service.Commondata.Permission.get_common_data' '

Inspiration Cloud

Software sizeThe101.2 MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-09-09
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationThePractical tool
Filing numberTheShanghai ICP No. 14028521 -17A
Software manufacturerTheShanghai Weizhi Home Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Other versions Download address

Basic profile
LOGO of Logo
Inspiration Yun Android version is a CRM customer management system that is very easy to operate. Inspiring the intelligent mobile office service provider of the cloud app. Intimistic cloud app software is committed to providing SAAS -based mobile sales management cloud services for small and medium -sized enterprises , "Sales" as the ultimate field of software research and development, improve corporate efficiency and strong business value for sales companies.

Screenshot of Live Sales

Inspirational cloudSoftware introduction

Inspirational cloud system, with the led information technology method dominated by SaaS, mobile social, DT (big data), integrates the main brain system of the LIX enterprise, establish the front end of the enterprise sales and cooperates with customers to handle the back -end, the main brain and central joint office mechanism, and and the central joint office mechanism, and and the central joint office mechanism, and and the central joint office mechanism, and and the central joint office mechanism of the center. Use SCRM development social promotion, electricity sales and other customer promotion methods, integrate operating laws such as commission algorithms, performance assessment, sales policies and other operational laws to realize the dynamic display of workflows, information flow, and data streams, formulate more reasonable sales plans, thereby enhancing ROI Essence

Screenshot of Live Sales

Inspirational cloudSoftware function

Enterprise WeChat certification service provider

Connect the company's WeChat, and the online encouragement CRM system has passed a series of interactive experience, data security, and system performance testing.

Inspiration SaaS R & D Center

Established by well -known enterprises such as Tencent and Ali Department, and experts, and experts, deeply excavate corporate needs and application scenarios to polish product functions.

Wan+Customer Co -Creation Center

There are already 20,000+ cooperatives to create the practice accumulation. With the help of the WeChat platform of the enterprise, customers will continue to invite customers to create new experiences and functions of mobile sales software together with inspirational sales.

Data encryption security protection

Adopting international leading data encryption systems, multiple firewalls, and system security operation and maintenance engineers 24 hours of monitoring to ensure the reliable and safe operation of the system.

Star Customer Security Plan

Added by the regional dealer to the star customers. You can enjoy all -weather service guarantee such as dealer training, implementation, and answering questions.

1V1 Coach Training Camp

Any user who purchases an exciting CRM system can get the "Instructor" online guidance "Inspirational 4K Marketing Law" to achieve fast starting and achieved results.

360 ° interactive experience

All functions will be tested through full terminal and system interactive tests to ensure smooth systems and stable operation.

7*12 online customer service

7*12 hours service response, unlimited remote maintenance, product answering questions. Local dealers come to the door for maintenance.

Screenshot of Live Sales

Inspirational cloudSoftware characteristics

Combining actual sales scenarios

High -efficiency transformation clues become high -value customers

All clues are transformed into customers as the core of sales. The management nodes are prominent and the key paths are clear.

Breaking offline sales barriers

The main point of the department collaborates directly

Promote the transformation of customers' transformation of sales, multi -character cooperates to show the sales process, just to improve sales performance.

All -in -one channels reach customers

Sales empower multi -dimensional to create a single king

From clues to communication efficiency, from knowledge skills to performance algorithms, strong sales helpers.

Data show sales performance

The company's business data is clear at a glance

Use data to present the company's sales performance and progress, arouse sales fighting spirit, and fight for the glory of the king.

Screenshot of Live Sales

Common problem

1. System login and configuration problem

Login question:

Question: Unable to log in to the encouragement cloud system.

Solution: Check whether the user name and password are correct, and confirm whether the account has activated. If you forget the password, you can retrieve the password function provided by the system or reset the password through the customer service channel.

Configuration problem:

Question: The system configuration is complicated and I don't know how to set it.

Solution: When logging in for the first time, it is recommended to carefully read the configuration guide provided by the system or watch tutorial videos, and complete the system configuration according to the guidelines. If necessary, contact customer service to get help.

2. Function module use problem

CRM module:

Question: Customer information management is chaotic and cannot effectively track customer dynamics.

Solution: Use the label, classification, and follow -up records of the CRM module to manage the customer's information in an orderly manner. Check and update customer information to ensure data accuracy and timeliness.

Sales forecast and funnel:

Question: The sales forecast is inaccurate and cannot effectively manage the sales funnel.

Solution: Cut the sales process into multiple stages and set up milestones and verified results at each stage. Use sales funnel tools to monitor sales progress in real time and timely adjust the sales strategy.

Li Sales Cloud Update Log

1. Fix some bugs

2. Optimized some functions

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

Inspiration cloud andJianxin RongtongAs well asUniversal chargingAs well asVocational tripsAs well asSpring manualAs well ascalculatorIt is a very good software, welcome to download the experience!

Common problem

Associated version