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Location: front page————Android software————application————Study and education ———— Crowd


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Need to call the following important permissions
Tencent Le Gu (or Tencent Pay)
Internet<访问网络> Access network connection, GPRS traffic may be generated
Write_external_storage<写入外部存储> Allow programs to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Access_network_State<获取网络状态> Obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Access_wifi_State<获取WiFi状态> Get the status of the current wifi access and information about WLAN hotspots
Install_packages<安装应用程序> Allow program installation application
Request_install_packages<未知权限>Unknown authority
Flashlight<使用闪光灯> Allow access flash
Get_top_activity_info<未知权限>Unknown authority
Modify_audio_settings<修改声音设置> Modify the sound setting information
System_alert_window<显示系统窗口> Display system window
Receive_user_present<未知权限>Unknown authority
Internet<访问网络> Access network connection, GPRS traffic may be generated
Access_wifi_State<获取WiFi状态> Get the status of the current wifi access and information about WLAN hotspots
Access_network_State<获取网络状态> Obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Bluetooth<使用蓝牙> Allow programs to connect pairing Bluetooth equipment
Camera<拍照权限> Allow access to the camera to take pictures
Change_network_State<改变网络状态> Change the network status if it can be connected to the Internet
Change_wifi_State<改变WiFi状态> Change the wifi state
Get_tasks<获取任务信息> Allow the program to obtain the current or recently operated applications
Record_audio<录音> Recording sounds through mobile phones or headphones
Write_settings<读写系统设置> Allow read and write system settings item
Read_phone_state<读取电话状态> Access telephone status
Read_external_storage<访问外部存储> Access to external storage permissions
Read_Media_images<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_Media_video<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_Media_visual_user_select<未知权限>Unknown authority
Foreground_service<未知权限>Unknown authority
Wake_lock<唤醒锁定> Allow the procedure after the mobile phone screen is turned off and the background process is still running
Bluetooth_connect<未知权限>Unknown authority


Software sizeThe75.89 MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-07-23
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTheStudy and education
Filing numberTheGuangdong ICP No. 15026417 -3A
Software manufacturerTheGuangdong Zhonglian Wanjia Education Technology Co., Ltd.

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Download address

Basic profile
Logo, the head of the Internet of China
The Android version of the Internet of Internet of China is a very popular and professional online education application. The APP of the Internet of Internet of China provides live broadcast courses, recording and broadcasting courses, simulation of real questions, etc. The types of courses are diverse and easy to learn. Users can open the Congxiao Internet School APP at any time.

Screenshot of the Internet of Internet of China

CrowdSoftware introduction

The Internet School APP is an official mobile education app launched by the Internet of China. The Zhonglian Education APP not only provides students with a good learning experience with a good sense of quality and pleasure based on advanced education technology, but also produces content such as a full -time teacher team, R & D teaching aid, and development cases.

Screenshot of the Internet of Internet of China

CrowdSoftware function

1. Online live broadcast

Students only need to watch the lecturer's wonderful live broadcast course on the screen, and they can also interact online with the lecturer.

2. Recording and broadcasting course

Students can watch recording and broadcasting courses according to their needs, and constantly consolidate their knowledge and skills.

3. Course Mall

The course mall adopts a combination method, and a course contains courses and test papers of multiple subjects.

Fourth, online question bank

Types include simulation tests, real questions, and chapter exercises. You can do test questions online.

Screenshot of the Internet of Internet of China

CrowdSoftware highlight

1. Community discussion

Including the discussions of the forum module and various posts, the posts also have knowledge and other functions.

2. News

Including the company's news, industry news, group announcement, etc., let students understand the latest information in a timely manner.

3. Problem feedback

Students can feedback the problem. We collect and solve the problem, continue to optimize, and continue to improve.

4. Personal center

Personal centers include personal information, my courses, my shopping cart, and my schedule.

Screenshot of the Internet of Internet of China

CrowdSoftware characteristics

1. HD

The high -definition film and television blockbuster effect, comprehensively supports smartphones, tablets, PC and other playback equipment, immersive.

2. Courseware

365 days can be repeatedly studied anytime, anywhere, unlimited time and number of times.

3. Professional

From the perspective of user experience, more professional directors, shooting, editing, production.

Renewal log in the Internet of China

1. Fix the bug, the new version experience is better

2. Change some pages

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

The Internet of Internet of China is one of the best software in the industry. I believe that many friends will use it. You do n’t need to OUT anymore. This site is also prepared for youAbcmouseAs well asHomework Live ClassAs well asHomework helps to take pictures online solution problemAs well asResearch reporterAs well asAir classroom

Common problem