• Trademark rejection review
    The trademark rejection only requires 2,000 yuan in trademark rejection. It means that after the trademark applied for registration was reviewed and rejected by the Trademark Office, the applicant applied for the rejection of the Trademark Office and the legal basis for rejection and the legal basis for the trademark office. Conditions (1) Rejection of trademark review applicants must be the original applicant of the trademark by the Trademark Office, and others are not qualified to apply. (2) Rejection of the application for trademark review must be provided within the statutory time limit
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  • Trademark registration 丨 trademark agent 丨 trademark design
    Twenty years of trademark experts+time -saving and money. With more than 20 years of trademark experts, only one -to -one services for you can only ensure the accurate and comprehensive protection of trademark registration. In addition, we only charge reasonable agency fees, refuse high prices, and resolutely oppose any form of huge profits. Product highlights: Please submit items: 1. Corporate philosophy. 2. Follow the company's business content and product appearance. 3. Enterprise name and brand name.
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  • Digital transformation consulting service
    Digital transformation consulting services are mainly to provide customers with on -site consulting services. The content includes: Digital status research and diagnosis, strategic understanding and business model design, top blueprint architecture design, process design and optimization, corporate architecture design, digital transformation path design, etc. Digital transformation top -level design project content mainly includes insight and gap analysis, top -level blueprint planning, transformation path planning planning, and digital governance system design. 1. Cave
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  • Computer software copyright (soft) registration-handling-agency
    Software copyright registration package passes; unsuccessful refund. Ordinary application and urgent application time. For the exclusive rights enjoyed by software works. Without softening registration and protection, it is difficult to defend rights in plagiarism, plagiarism, and infringement. Huawei Yunyun Market Computer Software Copyright (soft) registration-handling-agency process simplify and efficiently provide online standardization services, transparent process and visualization, as soon as one working day. Time description:
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  • Three elements of mobile phones, real -name authentication
    The real -name authentication of the three elements of the mobile phone, the authentication of the mobile phone number, the real -name authentication of the operator, the real -name authentication of the operator, enter the name, ID number, and mobile phone number, verify whether these three items are matched, and return the verification results. Support the three major operators, accurate verification. Huawei Yunyun Market Mobile Three Elements Real -name authentication, operator three elements of mobile phone three elements enter the name, ID number, mobile phone number, verify whether these three items are matched, and return the verification knot
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  • RPA+AI consultation and implementation service
    Softstone Power is aimed at the intelligent automation scene of government -enterprise customers, and provides customers with process consulting services, customized development and implementation, professional training services, and operation and maintenance of maintenance of the Huawei RPA+AI to help enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency. As a pioneer and practitioner in the field of software, Softstone has always been one of the leading enterprises of software services. In the process of digital services, it has formed a unique advantage.
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  • Mobile phone second element verification
    [The second factor of the mobile phone of the mobile phone, the second factor of the mobile phone to verify the second factor authentication of the mobile phone] The name of the name and mobile phone number is passed to check whether these two items are the same. The authoritative verification of the three major operators -we only make boutiques! 1. Product introduction: Pass the name and mobile phone number, check whether these two items are the same. The authority of the three major operators to verify the full -time high -quality interface, professional quality assurance! 2. Product characteristics: 1. Three major operations of authoritative direct connection
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  • Soften
    The specific charging standards shall be stipulated and announced by the State Copyright Administration in conjunction with the State Council's price authority. Software copyright registration process 1. Preparation information 2. Submit application for submitting documents 3. Review 4. Announcement 5. The copyright certificate computer software copyright refers to the software developer or other rights. The exclusive rights enjoyed. As for the nature of rights
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  • Inquiry of bank card belonging
    [Analysis of card attributes to support more than 10,000 banks around the world] Bank card belonging to query-Bank card opening bank query, support China Bank of ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, CCB, Post, Bank of Communications, China Merchants Bank, Pudong Bank, Industrial Bank, Huaxia Bank [ Support more than 10,000 bank card attribute analysis of more than 10,000 banks in the world] Bank card BIN query-bank card belonging query-bank card opening bank inquiry, support China Bank of ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China,
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  • Appearance patent application
    The appearance design (IndustRialdesign): It refers to a new design made by the shape, pattern or its combination of the product, or its combination, and the combination of colors and shapes and patterns. Intelligent Application of Knowledge Design (INDUSTRIALDESIGN): refers to the aesthetic sense of the product's shape, pattern or its combination, and the combination of color and shape, and patterns.
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Total number: 890