• Analysis data visualization platform
    Users can customize statistical analysis reports and instrument panels through data visualization. They can customize the alarm strategies through the alarm monitoring module to monitor unusual data in real time. The in -depth excavation of data is realized, and the value of data is better reflected. , Users can perform high -freedom data statistical analysis, support the storage data of the underlying layer of big data and the relational database as the data source, and through the column, cake charts, folding diagrams, text blocks, and
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  • Yitong AI Studio (HCS Edition)
    Aistudio one -stop artificial intelligence development and application platform is guided by data closed -loop applications, with full -process end -to -end AI application development deployment support from data management and processing, model development and optimization, model deployment and application, system operation and maintenance, and management The ability of the Huawei Yunyun Market to provide users with artificial intelligence end -to -end solutions for users in different industries. Users carried out the development and deployment of artificial intelligence at the fastest speed and the least time.
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  • Dive smart DMP data management platform
    Brand public domain marketing data management and advertising strategy analysis tools, collecting functions such as advertising data collection, release effect analysis, crowd management, and group portrait analysis. Delivery intelligence is to collect and manage the first, second and third -party data, and issue detailed 360 -degree crowd portraits to customize various TA group combinations. Based on the characteristics of consumers, media contacts, conversion paths, and transformation paths, and Comprehensive evaluation of media value, automatically generate media
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  • Big Data Analysis Platform
    The financial big data analysis application platform uses big data to improve the level of financial governance modernization, provides detailed, accurate and timely big data support in leadership scientific decision -making, business management optimization, and fiscal risk early warning. Work results. The product characteristic system adopts the SOA framework. The architecture deployment is flexible, the service has the attributes of loose crickets, the service can be reused, and supports the continuous improvement of business logic.
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  • DataSIMBA Data Zhongtai
    DataSIMBA, a one -stop big data intelligent service platform, provided enterprises with full -link data development services, helping enterprises digitize the transformation, condenses the cost, and enhance competitiveness. DataSIMBA, a one -stop big data intelligent service platform, provided enterprises with full -link data development services, helping enterprises digitize the transformation, condenses the cost, and enhance competitiveness. The core module includes management
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  • Fire Blue Public Opinion Monitoring Platform-Independent Deployment Edition
    Fire blue big data public opinion intelligent analysis platform is a domestic advanced public opinion big data system. It conducts 24 -hour uninterrupted monitoring and analysis of the public opinion of the brand and enterprises and institutions. Weibo, WeChat, APP, Ping Media, News, Post Bar, Blog, Forum, Video, TV and other network coverage; directional monitoring, social monitoring, let public opinion monitoring without dead ends;
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  • Kelan visual data operation platform system
    The data asset management platform is a tool that integrates data governance and data asset management. Support the control of all life cycle control of data quality, and achieve the goals that discover, timely solve, and solve the effects of mechanisms in time for data quality problems. (1) Provide the results of data governance consulting. Sort out the current data governance organizational structure, institutional process and job responsibilities, data standards, data quality inspection rules, etc.
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  • Word -oriented multi -dimensional analysis and processing system based on event feature extraction
    The system mainly provides functions such as personnel clustering, event clustering, address clustering, event collaborative processing, and comprehensive display of a picture. If you choose Kunpeng product or Kunpeng regulation, you must use the Kunpeng series cloud consoles, otherwise you cannot run. Enjoy the self -developed and developed word -based multi -dimensional analysis and processing system based on the event characteristics of Zhiku, and use cross -departmental data sharing technology and crawler technology to gather in real time.
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  • Datanuza Consumer Operation Platform
    Datanuza is a one -stop consumer operation platform that provides enterprises with full -link consumer operation services. Helps enterprises to achieve accurate customer base operations, increase value -added for customers' life cycle, reduce marketing costs and increase conversion rates for enterprises. [Version differences] Small version-the number of recommended members in 1 million is a medium-sized version-the large version within 1 million-5 million-recommended members is 500-20
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  • Sunshine Kitchen Big Data Display Platform
    Provide a set of smart video management platforms for enterprises, parks, and schools. Through access to SDC cameras and "Sunshine Kitchen" related algorithm warning information, the camera can realize real -time video preview, algorithm alarm box, alarm inquiry and data statistics, and realize the park's park Overall comprehensive management. Provide a set of smart video management platforms for enterprises, parks, and schools. Through access to SDC cameras and "Sunshine Kitchen" related algorithm alarm information, it can be real
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Total number: 87