• Testbird test service
    After providing mobile applications to provide a full life cycle quality guarantee app online, the user feedback a large number of flashbacks, black screens, and stuck deaths, resulting in the consequences of low or direct unloading of the APP. In order to avoid the loss of users due to compatibility, the adaptation test of most of the market models before the APP is required. Tests from installation, startup, registration/logging in to the main function points, UI, etc. Testbird
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  • Tinypace compatible test service
    Compatible testing services, including script compatibility test, standard compatibility test, and expert compatibility test content, in -depth discoveries and positioning APP compatibility issues, helping positioning to improve products, and providing detailed test reports. 1. Script compatibility test automatically executes on massive mobile phones. From installation, start, run, function, UI and other dimensions, in -depth and position the compatibility of the APP.
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  • V3 data comparison system
    V3 Full data verification tool, by extracting all the data between the source library and the target library, the Hash verification of the large collection of large sets is performed according to the selected sorting field. V3 is a set of database data verification tool software. It determines the consistency and delay of the data by comparing the log data or table data in the target library. V3 data comparison system consists of a variety of data comparison subsystems. That
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  • Qingyuan Cleansource code composition analysis system
    Cleansource (Qingyuan) SCA is a comprehensive software composition analysis solution, which aims to help enterprises reduce and manage the security, quality and license risk of security, quality, and licenses in their applications or containers in their applications or containers. Essence Software delivery instructions: 1. Online version (SaaS): Anshi will deploy the scan engine and KB library on the Huawei Cloud Server, Anshi will provide users with a login account
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  • X1 database simulation test system
    The database simulation test system is to capture the network traffic of the production database, reconstruct the production transaction. In the test of the database back to the production and transaction, height simulation simulation production environment, performing performance capacity assessment and upgrading compatibility test, heterogeneous database switch SQL compatibility test passes passed the pass passes Recording the communication flow of the database by the network bypass, and the accuracy and acceleration of the traffic through timing control, so as to use real scenes to easily and efficiently build
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  • A1 Application Simulation Test System
    A1 capture the application of network traffic in the application production system, analyze the application protocol in the network message, reconstruct the production scenario, adjust the parameters in the exercise environment, simulate the production environment and play back the production and transactions, and finally compare the drill results with the original production data. Analysis and exercise results A1 is a tool for automation simulation testing through the recording of the document flow and the release form. It is mainly used in interface regression testing, simulation testing, and commissioning exercises
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    The ELK mirror environment provided by Shenzhen Weitong data is pre -installed with Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, which can be deployed on the cloud server. "ELK" is the first letters of the three open source projects. These three items are: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch is a search
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  • Log Yi log search analysis software
    Logi log search analysis software is a log analysis product that can be applied to application scenarios such as log audit, operation and maintenance monitoring and security event analysis. Logis is a log management tool that was developed by Beijing You Tege Jiejie Information Technology Co., Ltd. It provides centralized collection and quasi -real -time indexing processing, provides functions such as search, analysis, monitoring, and visualization to help enterprises perform real -time monitoring of online business and timely positioning of business abnormalities
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  • Blue Elephant-Operation and Maintenance Operation Data Zhongtai (HCS Edition)
    The artificial intelligence of the IT operation (AIOPS) platform combines big data, AI machine learning and other technologies, and supports all major IT operation functions through active, personalized and dynamic insights. Major banks in the financial field, GA and power grids in various parts of the country, as well as large industrial enterprises, etc., their information network structure and related application systems are very large. In daily work
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  • Log Yi log search analysis software (HCS version)
    Logi log search analysis software is a log analysis product that can be applied to application scenarios such as log audit, operation and maintenance monitoring and security event analysis. Logis is a log management tool that was developed by Beijing You Tege Jiejie Information Technology Co., Ltd. It provides centralized collection and quasi -real -time indexing processing, provides functions such as search, analysis, monitoring, and visualization to help enterprises perform real -time monitoring of online business and timely positioning of business abnormalities
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Total number: 825