Think about the full scene dialog robot

Thinking of the full scene dialogue robot has a rich dialogue processing mechanism, and the ability to dialogue with multi -scenes and multi -round man -machine dialogue based on NLP technology. Through the API, it can be flexibly applied to the field of smart phone robots, intelligent text customer service, smart education, and intelligent interactive game. The full scene conversation Robot service based The type is easy to perform different scenes

Service provider information:Tianjin Deep Thinking Technology Co., Ltd.
The main body of the ticket:Tianjin Deep Thinking Technology Co., Ltd.
Payment method:SaaS
Product picture
Product details
  • The word operation is convenient and flexible, and it is used when accessing
  • Rich node types, covering a variety of application scenarios
  • Data filling slot, information on demand
  • Automated learning combined with the quality inspection, and continuously improves the accuracy rate
  • Multi -industry standardization model, flexible access
Commodity parameters
Delivery method
Service supervision
If you buy a product involving service supervision, you should enter the buyer center after the purchase and submit the demand and accept the acceptance in a timely manner
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Voting subject
Tianjin Deep Thinking Technology Co., Ltd.
operating system
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operating system
Product description

Thinking of the full scene dialogue robot service based on NLP technology to achieve multi -scenario and multi -round human -machine dialogue. Dozens of types of node types can easily perform different scene dialogue services, providing more possibilities for human -machine interaction. Products provide multi -modules, quality inspection and automation testing, and can be applied through APIs. It can Essence

Product specification description:
1. The SaaS version provides 100,000 free calls in one -year.
2. After purchasing, you can provide 3 free scenes to build guidance. The content of the new level of the new level is referred to the value -added service.

Function description:

1. Double scenes of the story process: The single scene: refers to the simultaneous use of a robotic spoken process at the same time. Multi -scenario: refers to the process of multi -sets of robotics at the same time.

2. Quality tests to detect the call data generated by the use of the words that are in use, and artificially screen out to answer the inaccurate robotal corpus and modify it to improve the accuracy of the robot's response.

3. Automated training model is the standardized corpus model of industry talk training, which greatly enhances the accuracy of robot response in the industry.

4. AI data filling grooves During the call, the ability to obtain the key information of the call person. For example: Calls Camer, Date of Appointment, Certificate Number, etc.

5. Resource information, specifications, quantities, and appointment periods of reservation resource management in the system. For example: hotel booking rooms, hospital appointments, etc.

6. Equipment includes, attribute nodes, etc. can flexibly achieve online scores.

Scene application:

1. Smart call:
Intelligent marketing's shadow will extract from customers, intelligent investigations include research object information, connecting corporate CRM systems, call centers, etc. For example: bank collection, community message notification, user research and other scenarios

2. Intelligent voice customer service:
Applying in the field of intelligent voice customer service can accurately understand, flexible dialogue mechanism processing, keyword semantic combination, effectively solve the difficulty of corporate consultation, business consulting, public institution service consulting, corporate after -sales questions, front desk businesses Smart appointment, etc. For example, the lobby consultation of the Taxation Bureau, the banking business consultation, the company 400 telephone, etc.

3. Intelligent education:
English spoken teaching, reading, spelling, dialogue, dialogue training, divergent thinking training, popularization of Chinese story guidance, etc.

4. Game scene:
Attack games, decryption games, exploration games, personality test games, etc. can be satisfied.

5. Assistant service:
Telephone assistants, office assistants, and so on can customize personal assistants of different industries and business types through intelligent venue.

6. Chat robot:
Provide a rich and flexible dialogue scene for chat robots.

7. Text customer service:
Flexible access to Taobao, WeChat, H5, simulation real -life dialogue, breaking the traditional keywords reached, options reply

8. Sound control interaction of intelligent device:
Equipment sound control, such as: mechanical equipment status query, numerical control, smart speakers, smart homes, etc.

Sales object

All users

Commodity pricing

STEP stairs pricing

Commodity price = number of order interval 1*range specification unit price 1+order range number 2*range specification unit price 2.

Example: The call rate is 0.3 yuan/minute for a part of no more than 3 minutes, and the part of more than 3 minutes is pressed at 0.2 yuan/minute; if the user calls for 8 minutes, the fee is charged at 3*0.3+5*0.2 = 1.9 yuan.

Tier staircase price

Commodity price = order of order*number of sections.

Example: The call rate is 0.3 yuan/minute for no more than 3 minutes, and if it exceeds 3 minutes, it is 0.2 yuan/minute; if the user calls for 2 minutes, the fee is charged at 2*0.3 = 0.6 yuan; if the user calls for 8 minutes, it will be collected. The cost is 8*0.2 = 1.6 yuan.

Linear pricing

Commodity price = order quantity*unit price.

Simple pricing

The price of the product is the price of the page.

Service support
Use guide
Use guide download
Platform support scope
After -sales service time: 5 * 8 hours
Service hotline: 400-6161219
Service mailbox:
Service content: Provide interface call guidance; assisted guidance dialogue logic production; product iteration maintenance, etc.
Commodity service protocol

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