MySQL server has gone away Work copyright

Work copyright

Copyright is a series of exclusive rights given to the creators of literature, art and scientific works by law. Copyright is the general name of the various rights enjoyed by the author to the works he created in accordance with the law. The author creates a work and needs to register with the state organs to prove his right. Work copyright 1. Application form for copyright registration (filling in the case details after the purchase); 2. The sample drawing and work creation instructions; 3. The legal person's work version

Service provider information:Shenzhen Zhonggangxing Technology Enterprise Service Center Co., Ltd.
The main body of the ticket:Shenzhen Zhonggangxing Technology Enterprise Service Center Co., Ltd.
Payment method:Manual service
Product picture
Product details
  • Experts responded quickly, as soon as 7 working days issued a certificate. There is no copyright registration and protection, facing plagiarism, plagiarism, and infringement, it is difficult to protect rights
  • Professional copyright agent, service for many years of high -quality customers, help you quickly improve copyright protection
Commodity parameters
Delivery method
Manual service
Delivery SLA
1 Nature Day
Service supervision
If you buy a product involving service supervision, you should enter the buyer center after the purchase and submit the demand and accept the acceptance in a timely manner
Voting subject
Shenzhen Zhonggangxing Technology Enterprise Service Center Co., Ltd.
operating system
On -shelf date
Corporate service
Product description

Work copyright

1. Application form for copyright registration (fill in the case details after the purchase);
2. Works of samples and work creation instructions;
3. The copyright description of the legal person's work (when the writer is provided when it is organized by the legal person or an illegal person);
4. Enterprise application: copy of the copy of the business license and copy of the applicant's ID card,
All cover the official seal of the enterprise;
Personal application: Copy of the applicant's ID card and signature.

3 Copyright value

Kind tips:

1. After the order is placed, the customer service has been sent to the stamp (signature) material and does not support the sample of the work. If it is replaced by a new application, you need to re -place the order.

2. After sending stamp (signing) materials to the user, the user rejected the application for not supporting the application for the application.

3. After the customer's stamp (signing) paper has been received, the copyright application information will not be modified, and if the user gives up, the application will not be refunded.

4. If you have obtained relevant materials from the customer service (including the registration of the work registration and collection card, the creation instructions (reference)), the order will be deducted from 100 yuan for consultation and material fees.

4 Common questions

How long is the copyright protection period?

The copyright of natural persons is 50 years after the protection period of natural persons and their death; copyright is developed in cooperation, and as of December 31, 50 years after the death of the last death. The copyright of the legal person or other organizations is 50 years after the first release of the work, but if the work has not been published within 50 years from the date of completion, it will not be protected.

Who can become a copyright owner?

Natural persons, legal persons or other organizations who complete the work independently, as well as natural persons, legal persons, or other organizations who pass the contract, inherit, transfer, or bear the copyright of the work can become the copyright owner.

The difference between copyright certification and trademark registration?

Compared with trademark registration, the time for copyright certification is short, and the copyright rights can be fixed in advance. If someone is stealing in advance, it can confront the trademark right with copyright to declare the trademark rights that grab the removal.

How long is the copyright protection period?

The period of copyright protection, from the date of the completion of the creation of his works, until the 50th year of the author's death on December 31st. The legal person or other organization's works have been on December 31st, 50th year after the release of the work. If the work has never been published, if the creation of the work has not been published within 50 years, the copyright law is no longer protected.

Which works can be protected by copyright?

All kinds of works stipulated in Article 3 of the Copyright Law of my country may apply for registration. Including: text works; oral works; music, drama, song art, dance, acrobatics; art, architectural works; photography works; film works and works created by similar films; engineering design drawings, product design drawings, maps, maps , Drama diagram and other graphic works and model works; computer software; other works stipulated in laws and administrative regulations.

Sales object

All users

Commodity pricing

STEP stairs pricing

Commodity price = number of order interval 1*range specification unit price 1+order range number 2*range specification unit price 2.

Example: The call rate is 0.3 yuan/minute for a part of no more than 3 minutes, and the part of more than 3 minutes is pressed at 0.2 yuan/minute; if the user calls for 8 minutes, the fee is charged at 3*0.3+5*0.2 = 1.9 yuan.

Tier staircase price

Commodity price = order of order*number of sections.

Example: The call rate is 0.3 yuan/minute for no more than 3 minutes, and if it exceeds 3 minutes, it is 0.2 yuan/minute; if the user calls for 2 minutes, the fee is charged at 2*0.3 = 0.6 yuan; if the user calls for 8 minutes, it will be collected. The cost is 8*0.2 = 1.6 yuan.

Linear pricing

Commodity price = order quantity*unit price.

Simple pricing

The price of the product is the price of the page.

Service support
Use guide
Works Copyright Service Guide.pdf download
Platform support scope
After -sales service time: 5 * 8 hours
After -sales service content: fully protect your rights and interests
Service Hotline: 13652310781
Service mailbox:
Commodity service protocol

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