Trademark services

Trademark registration fee: For each trademark application, less than ten products are selected by default. If there are more than ten products, an additional 100 yuan will be charged for each additional product. Trademark registration fee: For each trademark application, less than ten products are selected by default. If there are more than ten products, an additional 100 yuan will be charged for each additional product. Trademark registration fee: For each trademark application, no more than ten products are selected by default. If there are more than ten products, an additional 100 yuan will be charged for each additional product. Trademark notation

Service provider information:Zhejiang Yuyang Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd.
Invoicing subject:Zhejiang Yuyang Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd.
Payment method:Human service
Product pictures
Product details
Product Highlights
  • Professional consultant, one-to-one service
  • 22 years of professional agency
Product parameters
Delivery method
Human service
Delivery SLA
365 natural days
Service supervision
If you purchase goods that involve service supervision, you should enter the buyer center after purchase to submit your requirements and promptly accept them.
Invoicing subject
Zhejiang Yuyang Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd.
operating system
Release date
Enterprise services
Product description
Trademark registration fee: For each trademark application, no more than ten products are selected by default. If there are more than ten products, an additional 100 yuan will be charged for each additional product.

Materials required for trademark registration

1. If an individual applies for trademark registration, he or she should submit the following application documents:

1. Trademark registration application signed by the applicant;

2. 6 trademark drawings (one attached to the back of the application form and 5 submitted). The drawings are required to be clear and the length and width should be no less than 5 cm and no more than 10 cm.

centimeter. If you specify a color, attach one coloring pattern, submit 5 coloring patterns, and attach 1 black-and-white pattern;

3. Submit a trademark agency power of attorney. (If you do it yourself, you don’t need it);

4. Copy of ID card and business license of individual industrial and commercial household.

2. If applying for trademark registration in the name of a legal person or other organization, the following application documents should be submitted:

1. Trademark registration application form stamped with the official seal of the applicant;

2. 6 trademark drawings (one attached to the back of the application form and 5 submitted) must be clear and have a length and width of not less than 5 cm and not greater than 10 cm.

If you specify a color, attach 1 coloring pattern, 5 coloring patterns, and 1 black-and-white pattern;

3. A copy of the applicant’s subject qualification certification document (usually a copy of the business license, please note that it is a copy and not the original);

4. A power of attorney for trademark agency stamped with the official seal of the applicant;

5. If the trademark applied for registration is a portrait of a person, a notarized statement from the portrait owner agreeing to register the portrait as a trademark should be attached.

Trademark registration time

It takes about one month for the Trademark Office to issue an acceptance notice, and the preliminary review period is three months. It takes about one year to complete the trademark registration.
Sales target

All users

Product pricing

Step pricing

Product price = ordering interval quantity 1 * interval specification unit price 1 + ordering interval quantity 2 * interval specification unit price 2.

For example: the call rate is 0.3 yuan/minute for the part that does not exceed 3 minutes, and 0.2 yuan/minute for the part that exceeds 3 minutes; if the user calls for 8 minutes, the fee charged is 3*0.3+5*0.2=1.9 yuan.

Tier pricing

Product price = order quantity * unit price of the range to which the quantity belongs.

For example: the call rate is 0.3 yuan/minute for no more than 3 minutes, and 0.2 yuan/minute if it exceeds 3 minutes; if the user calls for 2 minutes, the fee charged is 2*0.3=0.6 yuan; if the user calls for 8 minutes, the fee is charged The cost is 8*0.2=1.6 yuan.

linear pricing

Product price = order quantity * unit price.

Simple pricing

The product price is the price displayed on the page.

Service support
User Guide
Intellectual Property Service Guide.docx download
Platform support scope
After-sales service time: 5 * 8 hours (normal working days)
After-sales service content: During the trademark registration process, the process nodes that need to be notified to customers will be notified in a timely manner, and problems that customers have when using this product will be answered and resolved in a timely manner.
Service hotline: 400-600-3336
Service email:
Goods and Services Agreement

By ordering this product you agree toGoods and Services Agreement