Intel daal

Intel provided by Intel Daal (Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library) data analysis acceleration mirror image.

Service provider information:Intel Asia Pacific R & D Co., Ltd.
Payment method:Mirror image

Commodity parameters

operating system
Integrated software
Intel python, daal
Dependence cloud service
Cloud server

Product introduction

InfelProvidedIntel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel® DAAL)Data analysis acceleration library mirror image,The image contains the reasonInfelProvidedPython3Operating environment,All the software packages needed for running, includingInfelOptimizedMKL, DAAL, DAAL4PY, Scikit-Learn,NumpyandScipyWait for software packages. These optimized software can be inInfel CPUGet sufficient hardware acceleration. It also includes various machine learning algorithms:PCA,  K-Means, SVM, DECISION TREE, Gradient Boostetc.

【Mirror description】

based onUbuntu18.04operating system

InstalledInfel DAAL, Intel Python 2019Release version

【Object -oriented】

conductC ++/PythonCloud server users developed by machine learning algorithm.

【Application Scene】

Need to useMlTo process various data analysis Application, algorithm development, optimization, etc.

【Recommended configuration】

Intel Xeon Cascade Lake CPU 4nuclear, 8GMemory and above cloud server.

【Price Guide】

The image does not charge.

【Use Guide】

1. 1.Installed the mirror to the cloud server, after login

2.activationInfel Pythonenvironment


source activate idp

For the content of the end user license agreement of this product, please use the "Software License Agreement" (website: or "product of the product) of this product The "Software License Agreement" attached to the document (such as the License.txt file or the license clause you accepted in the process of using this product) shall prevail. You use this product, which means that you accept the above "Software License Agreement".

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