MySQL server has gone away How can I trade in the Jiuyin Zhenjing 3D mobile game? _Huajun Software Park
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How can I trade in the Jiuyin Zhenjing 3D mobile game?

Author: snack Date: 2016-08-19

Money is very important in the Jiuyin Zhenjing 3D mobile game. With money, you can buy the goods you need. So how do you trade in the game? Today, I will introduce a detailed introduction.


In the "Jiuyin Zhen Jing3DIn ", the knights only need to reach32Level can formally contact the rivers and lakes trading. No need to run through the rivers and lakes to collect materials, just click on the functional bar below"trade"You can quickly enter the trading system.


  Easy and convenient Each needs in the trading bank:Enter the trading page, there are above"Buy""Publicity""sell""Record"The four categories, at the same time, have six options: routine, internal power, weapons, equipment, open stone and grocery. It can be described as rich varieties.




Open"Buy"After paging, you can choose the items you need according to the specific classification. After confirming the price and the item information, you can buy items. Buying items in the trading bank will deduct the official silver in the game. Guanyin is the "Jiuyin Zhen Jing3D"One of the coins that can be circulated, the main ways obtained are the exchanges of major forbidden land and gold. Guanyin will be the item that the knight needs to focus on the rivers and lakes. In addition to buying items in the trading store, it can also redeem limited props in the Chamber of Commerce.


Reasonable sale The first step to get rich:In the daily rivers and lakes of the knights, a large number of equipment, jewelry and fragmented props will be obtained, some of which may"It is a pity to abandon the taste of food"There is no other use except occupying the backpack. At this time, the trading bank is your best choice, and the so -called business opportunities are hidden in it.




Open"sell"Pagling, selecting items and entering the pricing interface. It should be noted that the sales items are divided into"precious"and"Non -valuable"There will be a certain publicity time for valuables. During the publicity period, the knights can observe it, but they cannot be purchased until the end of the publicity period and can be bought in the first time. Considering that the degree of demand for items is different, the price of all items can be chosen to float on the basic price given by the system400%Be downward50%Essence


After confirming that it is on the shelves, ordinary items will appear directly in the trading bank, and the knights can also be"sell"Check on your own booth. If you are not satisfied with the current price, the knight can be"My stall"Select to remove it. After the items are successfully sold, the system will be drawn from the seller's payment5%Taxes, the remaining models are actual income. In addition, all selling and purchasing information can"Record"View in the middle.


In order to allow the knights to better experience the convenience of trading, the Jiuyin Zhenjing3D》 In addition to searching for one by one on the purchase page, it also supports searching through the keyword of the search interface through the keyword of the search interface. Fast.


Not only that, the chivalry can also click on the paging"price"Options, first buy items with relatively low price. Only Hui Eye can know gold. Has the knights discover the small secrets of the trading business?


  Use the price option to buy the least money to buy the most cost -effective items:Is this convenient trading system that has made you want to move? Opportunities are always left to those who are prepared. Now as long as you prepare in the game, organize backpacks, and actively participate in various activities, it is not impossible to get rich overnight!


The above is the detailed introduction brought by Xiaobian. I hope to help you players. Come and see if you have any questions.


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