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Seed search artifact

Seed search artifact

  • Size: 3.1M
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Download tool
  • System: WINALL

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Seed search artifact(P2P Searcher)It is an ED2K resource search machine based on P2P technology.resourceGathering, you only need to search for these resources.Seed search artifact(P2P SEARCHER) is very rich in resources. Only you can't think of it, without you can't find it. Huajun Software Park provides you with seed search artifact 2024 free download. Friends who like seed search artifacts come to China Software Park to download experience!

How to use seed search artifacts

First of all, the software downloaded at this site, named "P2PSEARCHER.EXE";

Right -click to download after searching,ThunderboltWill download automatically.

The search port is Thunder BT seed, non -other fast broadcast and other player seeds.

The latest version of the seed search artifact download

Software introduction

P2PSEARCHER seed search artifact, which is used to search for seeds and eDonkey resources on the Internet. After opening, enter the keywords of the video, music, games, software, etc. that you want to search. The first time you use the search time may be a bit long, and you will be shortened in the future. Software and other resources. All film and television resources support the 5 -minute ultra -long preview and the most stable online cloud on -demand.

VeryCD's eDonkey software has shielded search for the ED2K network. Using P2PSEARCHER, you can search for a large number of resources in ED2K networks. The search resources can be downloaded with eDonkey or Thunder, which is very convenient.

The latest version of the seed search artifact download

Common questions for seed search artifacts:

Keywords are inaccurate:

Problem description: The input search keywords do not match the required resources, resulting in the inability to find related resources.

Solution: Use more specific and more accurate keywords for search, or try different keyword combinations.

Resources have been deleted or shielded:

Problem description: Some resources may have been deleted or blocked due to copyright issues, policy changes or website maintenance.

Solution: Try to find the required resources on other seed search websites or forums, or use other legal download methods.

Search engine problem:

Problem description: Seed search engines' search engines may not work properly due to technical faults or updates in time.

Solution: Try to switch search engines or update software to the latest version.

Seed search artifact (P2PSEARCHER) update log:

Optimize the underlying algorithm, reduce the CPU and memory occupation;

Optimize the broadband connection and reduce the impact of search on the speed of the network;

Upgrade the search interface, greatly improve the search speed and the number of resources;

Repair several known bugs

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

After so many years of update and optimization, the seed search artifact (P2PSEARCHER) has become more humane and more technological. It is strongly recommended to everyone, welcome to download. If you are interested, you can also download the water sutra, Firefox browser, and .NET.

Version: Free version | Update time: 2024-08-16

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Seed search artifact comment

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2017-05-30 17:59:26
    Seed search artifact (P2PSEARCHER) interface design is easy to get started, and the function is very rich. I highly recommend it!
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2022-01-15 18:12:18
    The seed search artifact (P2PSEARCHER) software is very easy to use, the download speed is fast, very convenient!
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2020-05-16 13:14:34
    Seed search artifact (P2PSEARCHER) hopes to get better and better, come on!

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