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2345 Security Guard

2345 Security Guard

  • Size: 96.77 m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Antivirus
  • System: WINALL

Recommend for you: 2345 software

2345 Security Guard is a protection software for protection computer security guards launched by 2345 official heavyweight.Computer examinationAs well asTrojan check killAs well asGarbage cleaning, Fix the functions of system vulnerabilities, system acceleration, software management and other functionsComputer securityManagement software. 2345 Security Guard can effectively protect user computers and provide users with a secure and reliable Internet environment.

2345 Safety Guard Software Features

1. New generation of computer protection experts, a new minimalist interface, light and smooth, comprehensively guarding computer security;

2. Support computer physical examination, one -click intelligent repair, comprehensively detect computer security status;

3. Support Trojan horses to investigate and kill, use the new Safety engine of the IIIII, and the five surround system protection;

4. Support browser protection, intelligent real -time protection IE homepage and default browser

5. Support system vulnerability repair, quickly repair the system security vulnerability;

6. Support boot acceleration and comprehensively improve the speed of computer power;

7. Support garbage cleaning and let the system zero burden;

8. Support software one -click intelligent uninstallation;

2345 Safety Guardian Function Features

      New generation computer protection expert

2345 Security Guard adopts a new Safety Engine of the III generation

Five surround system protection, precise killing and killing in the clouds.

      Cloud real -time protection

The cloud actively checked and killed in real time, and the high -performance network is driven to filtrate.

Cloud intelligence rules are synchronized, computer protection is more accurate and timely.

2345 Security Guard

      Comprehensive computer physical examination

2345 Security Guardian comprehensive detection computer security,

One -click intelligent repair to ensure zero risk of computer

2345 Security Guard

      Intelligent vulnerability repair

2345 Security Guardian comprehensive testing system vulnerability, cloud intelligence ignores,

Quickly repair the system security vulnerability

2345 Security Guard

      Homepage protection

2345 Safety Guard Intelligent Intercepting Fishing Website,

Protection network malicious behavior, protect the security of the Internet

2345 Security Guard

      Multi -level acceleration

2345 Safety Guard Optimize Malithful Starting Terminal,

Intelligent cleaning the system garbage, let the computer fly

2345 Security Guard

2345 Safety Guard Installation Step

1. Download the latest software package of 2345 security guards from Huajun Software Park, and double -click the installation file with the left mouse button.

2. First, choose whether to lock the browser homepage to 2345 navigation according to the habit of use.

3. Then click "Custom Installation" at the bottom right, first click the "User Use Agreement" to read. If there is no objection, check the "Reading and Agree" in front, and then click the "Change Directory" button to select 2345 2345 The installation directory of the security guard is not recommended to install it in the C drive. If there are too many files in C, it will affect the operating speed of the computer. After all selection, click "One -click Installation".

4. The installation process of 2345 security guards takes about 3 minutes. Please wait patiently.

5. After the installation is over, the main interface of the 2345 security guard will automatically open, which means that the installation is successful.

2345 How to use the security guard

1. Open the installed 2345 security guards and click the "Immediate Physical Examination" button in the middle of the main interface.

2. 2345 Security Guard will scan all parts in the computer in turn and list the problems discovered.

3. After the scan is completed, the user can repair each problem as needed, or directly click "One -click repair" at the bottom right.

2345 Frequently Asked Safety Guard

      1. How to intercept advertising by 2345 security guards?

1. Open the installed 2345 security guards and click the "Popular Window Interception" option under the main interface.

2. In the open new window, click the "Open Interception" button on the upper right.

      2. How do 2345 security guards restore the deleted files?

When we download files from the Internet, we often encounter accidental killing by 2345 security guards, but in fact the file is no problem, we can restore the file.

1. First open the 2345 security guard, click the "☰" button on the upper right, and click the "Settings Center" option in the open menu.

2. On the left side of the "Setting Center" window, switch to the "Safety Protection" column, and then click the "View Protection Log" option on the right.

3. In the protective log, select the "interception record" on the left to see the files that are accidentally killed. Select the required files and restore it.

2345 Security Guard and 360 Security Guard Comparison

2345 Security Guard and 360 Security Guard are both security tools for computer protection. The main functions are roughly the same. So how do we choose?

2345 Security Guard is a rising star in the computer housekeeper. It is closer to the user's habit of using experience and interface design. It is a very practical security tool.

The 360 ​​security guard can be said to be famous. It has accumulated the experience of safety protection and antivirus experience for many years, so that it has almost no opponent in this field, and the virus database is updated very timely. It can also detect computer hardware, suitable for all users.

The above is the similarities and differences between the two software. You can choose one to download as needed.

360 security guard download address:http://softWaredownload4.com/soft/51933.htm

2345 Security Guard Update Log

1. 2345 Security Guard to improve the protection function of the guards and protect the security of the win10 system in all aspects;

2. Powerful repair of software steward internet disconnection and creating a better experience;

3. 2345 Security Guard optimize the functional operation logic of the U disk, which is smoother;

4. Solve the problem that the boot assistant cannot pop up.

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

2345 Safety Guard Software feels really good! The editor was specifically tested for this. It was really good to use. Carba 365 Online rescue, Rising Falcinating Software, Cloud Machine Butler, etc. are all very good software tested by Xiaobian. Come and choose a suitable for you!

Version: V8.0 official version | Update time: 2024-04-03

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2345 Safety Guard Review

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2021-09-23 10:38:05
    2345 Safety Guard is very easy to use, thank you! Intersection
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2021-12-27 09:08:01
    2345 Security Guardian interface design is easy to get started, and the function is very rich. I strongly recommend it!
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2021-11-25 01:23:09
    2345 Safety Guard superb! Click 100 million likes! Intersection Intersection

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