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Sound speed input method

Sound speed input method

  • Size: 29.35 m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Text input
  • System: Android
  • Manufacturer:Yantai Lid Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Use mobile phone assistant

Tones are the key to learning Mandarin! You use the "sound speed input method" and type in the order of the mother+vowel+tone letter+first letter. Huajun Software Park provides the official version of the sound speed input method app download address. Users who need it can download and use it for free!

Sound speed input method

Sound speed input method software characteristics

1. Can learn well and speak well in Mandarin

2. Be able to blindly fight each Chinese character in "Xinhua Dictionary"

3. Make your typing speed faster 10%⁺ ⁺ ⁺ ⁺ ⁺ ⁺

4. The words that can be tightly pronounced

Sound speed input method

Update log in sound speed input method:

Sweep the bug to go out to the end

Optimize the problem of user feedback and improve the details experience

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Version: 1.198 | Update time: 2024-09-11

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The application has not passed the real -name authentication, you can download it through your mobile assistant.
