How to use Snipaste's use of -snipaste

Time: 2020-09-25Source: Huajun Software TutorialAuthor: sesame cake

Novice friends, will you use the Snipaste software? This article brought by Xiaobian today shared the content of the use of Snipaste with you. Friends in need should take a look. I hope it can help everyone.

Open the Snipaste's premiere, switch to conventional, check the boot;


Click "Screenshot"-"Show", adjust the width of the edge to 0;


Check the "capture mouse pointer";


Switch to the output and change the storage path;


Click "shortcut keys" to modify the shortcut keys to intercept and stickers;


Modify the mouse and shortcut keys;


The content of the use of Snipaste is explained above. I hope friends who need it will come to learn.

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