Sogou map area

Sogou map data covers nearly 400 cities, 3,000 districts and counties across the country, and tens of millions of POI information points. It provides national driving route navigation and bus transfer services in 130 cities. It is the leading map query service platform in China. Which map is better, Amap or Sogou? Amap will be better in terms of detailed road conditions. In addition to basic map functions such as search, public transportation, and self-driving navigation, Sogou Maps also has other special applications such as multi-functional stores, road books, satellite maps, and mobile maps, which comprehensively meet people's needs to control their travel life anytime and anywhere.
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Sogou map area

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Sogou map data covers nearly 400 cities, 3,000 districts and counties across the country, and tens of millions of POI information points. It provides national driving route navigation and bus transfer services in 130 cities. It is the leading map query service platform in China. Which map is better, Amap or Sogou? Amap will be better in terms of detailed road conditions. In addition to basic map functions such as search, public transportation, and self-driving navigation, Sogou Maps also has other special applications such as multi-functional stores, road books, satellite maps, and mobile maps, which comprehensively meet people's needs to control their travel life anytime and anywhere.