
The retrieval tool is a systematic text description tool for storing, searching and reporting file information. It is a collective name for directory, index, guide, etc. The characteristics of retrieval tools: 1. Describe the content characteristics and appearance characteristics of the literature in detail; 2. Each literature record must have a search logo; 3. The document entry forms an organic whole in a certain order, which can provide multiple retrieval pathways. Types of retrieval tools: 1. Directory retrieval tool (such as collection directory, joint directory, national bibliography, publishing house and bookstore directory); 2. Title retrieval tool; 3. Digestable retrieval tool. (Such as knowledge -based abstract, report -based digesting); 4. Index retrieval tool.
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The retrieval tool is a systematic text description tool for storing, searching and reporting file information. It is a collective name for directory, index, guide, etc. The characteristics of retrieval tools: 1. Describe the content characteristics and appearance characteristics of the literature in detail; 2. Each literature record must have a search logo; 3. The document entry forms an organic whole in a certain order, which can provide multiple retrieval pathways. Types of retrieval tools: 1. Directory retrieval tool (such as collection directory, joint directory, national bibliography, publishing house and bookstore directory); 2. Title retrieval tool; 3. Digestable retrieval tool. (Such as knowledge -based abstract, report -based digesting); 4. Index retrieval tool.