Apple computer topic

Apple, which was originally known as Apple Computer, is headquartered in Curbinino, California, USA. The core business is electronic technology products. At present, the global computer market share is 3.8%. Apple's Apple II promoted the personal computer revolution in the 1970s, and the subsequent Macintosh relay continued to develop in the 1980s. The most well -known products are its Apple II, Macintosh computers, iPod digital music players, iTunes music stores, and iPhone smartphones. It is famous for innovation in high -tech enterprises. The company announced its renames on MacWorld Expo on January 9, 2007. The editor of Hua Jun provides you with various software downloads, the latest and most comprehensive software in Huajun Software Park.
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Apple computer topic

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Apple, which was originally known as Apple Computer, is headquartered in Curbinino, California, USA. The core business is electronic technology products. At present, the global computer market share is 3.8%. Apple's Apple II promoted the personal computer revolution in the 1970s, and the subsequent Macintosh relay continued to develop in the 1980s. The most well -known products are its Apple II, Macintosh computers, iPod digital music players, iTunes music stores, and iPhone smartphones. It is famous for innovation in high -tech enterprises. The company announced its renames on MacWorld Expo on January 9, 2007. The editor of Hua Jun provides you with various software downloads, the latest and most comprehensive software in Huajun Software Park.