Dual -core browser software

Dual -core browser software, according to the browser kernel, can be divided into single -core browsers and dual -core browsers. This page recommends that Trident and Chromium dual -core browsers, Chromium and Webkit are the differences that Webkit is a grandfather; Chromium is a father -in -law. The so -called dual -core browsers in China. Except for Aoyou 3, which is directly developed based on Webkit, other browsers are based on Google's Chromium open source projects. Xiaobian Hua Jun recommends all kinds of free dual -core browsers software. Come and download it!
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Dual -core browser software

PC software

Android software

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Dual -core browser software, according to the browser kernel, can be divided into single -core browsers and dual -core browsers. This page recommends that Trident and Chromium dual -core browsers, Chromium and Webkit are the differences that Webkit is a grandfather; Chromium is a father -in -law. The so -called dual -core browsers in China. Except for Aoyou 3, which is directly developed based on Webkit, other browsers are based on Google's Chromium open source projects. Xiaobian Hua Jun recommends all kinds of free dual -core browsers software. Come and download it!