Saint Seiya Mandarin Edition Topic

In the 1980s, a large number of anime poured into China. The 11773 editors still remembered the series of blood animation such as "Shenlong Fighter", "Ninja Turtle", "Transformers" and other series of blood animation swept the streets and lanes. , The small universe ... "Today, many years later, it still makes people remember. It affects the anime of a generation, and is now re -produced into a game. Whether it is nostalgic or curious, it seems that there is only one reason to enter this game, because it is the most beautiful and innocent dream.
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Saint Seiya Mandarin Edition Topic

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In the 1980s, a large number of anime poured into China. The 11773 editors still remembered the series of blood animation such as "Shenlong Fighter", "Ninja Turtle", "Transformers" and other series of blood animation swept the streets and lanes. , The small universe ... "Today, many years later, it still makes people remember. It affects the anime of a generation, and is now re -produced into a game. Whether it is nostalgic or curious, it seems that there is only one reason to enter this game, because it is the most beautiful and innocent dream.