Weijiayuan area

Weijiayuan is a social mobile phone software developed by Beijing Saturn Education Technology Co., Ltd. There are two versions of iOS and Android, which have been launched in major application markets. Weijiayuan is a professional kindergarten home education interactive platform mobile phone app. Parents can communicate with teachers in a convenient way through their mobile phones to understand the situation of young children at any time. You can also receive information such as notifications, activities and photos from kindergarten.
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Weijiayuan area

PC software

Android software

iOS software

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Weijiayuan is a social mobile phone software developed by Beijing Saturn Education Technology Co., Ltd. There are two versions of iOS and Android, which have been launched in major application markets. Weijiayuan is a professional kindergarten home education interactive platform mobile phone app. Parents can communicate with teachers in a convenient way through their mobile phones to understand the situation of young children at any time. You can also receive information such as notifications, activities and photos from kindergarten.