Mercury wireless network card driver

Mercury wireless network card driver is the cheapest brand -branded wireless network card on the market. It has a small size, good quality, enough quality, enough for more than half a year, and has been using it! Mercury MW150um and MW150us apply a new mini -appearance design, exquisite and small, use 11N wireless technology, wireless transmission rates up to 150Mbps, support analog AP function, easily build wireless LAN, compatible with some Internet TV and IPTV set -top boxes.
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Mercury wireless network card driver

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Mercury wireless network card driver is the cheapest brand -branded wireless network card on the market. It has a small size, good quality, enough quality, enough for more than half a year, and has been using it! Mercury MW150um and MW150us apply a new mini -appearance design, exquisite and small, use 11N wireless technology, wireless transmission rates up to 150Mbps, support analog AP function, easily build wireless LAN, compatible with some Internet TV and IPTV set -top boxes.