Grave Robbery Notes Official Website Zone

Grave robbing notes are web games adapted from the novel of the same name of the third uncle of the South. It is a 2D web game with the theme of thriller and horror. The game is cited by the grave robbing process of Wu Xie and others, and the legendary suspense ancient tombs are restored to the game to build a mysterious grave robber world for players. Essence Players will enter the game as Wu Xie's apprentice, and gradually explore in dozens of adventure maps in different styles to dig into the secret hidden in the deep tomb. In the process, players can not only interact with classic characters in the novel, but also explore the thrilling tomb of the tomb by exploring the huge mausoleum and thrilling maps.
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Grave Robbery Notes Official Website Zone

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Grave robbing notes are web games adapted from the novel of the same name of the third uncle of the South. It is a 2D web game with the theme of thriller and horror. The game is cited by the grave robbing process of Wu Xie and others, and the legendary suspense ancient tombs are restored to the game to build a mysterious grave robber world for players. Essence Players will enter the game as Wu Xie's apprentice, and gradually explore in dozens of adventure maps in different styles to dig into the secret hidden in the deep tomb. In the process, players can not only interact with classic characters in the novel, but also explore the thrilling tomb of the tomb by exploring the huge mausoleum and thrilling maps.