Alcohol content area

The alcohol concentration marked on the wine bottle × the alcohol unit (approximation) of the amount of wine. The degree of wine indicates the volume percentage of ethanol in the wine, usually expressed as the volume ratio at 20°C. For example, a 50-degree wine means that 50 ml of ethanol (20°C) in 100 ml of wine is its mass. The fraction (when the temperature is +20°C, alcohol concentration is expressed as volume fraction or mass fraction) is 0.441473.
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Alcohol content area

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The alcohol concentration marked on the wine bottle × the alcohol unit (approximation) of the amount of wine. The degree of wine indicates the volume percentage of ethanol in the wine, usually expressed as the volume ratio at 20°C. For example, a 50-degree wine means that 50 ml of ethanol (20°C) in 100 ml of wine is its mass. The fraction (when the temperature is +20°C, alcohol concentration is expressed as volume fraction or mass fraction) is 0.441473.