Complete online diary

Online diary collection, powerful lightning full-text search technology. After a long time, is it difficult to find the diaries you wrote in the past? As long as you still remember a certain word in the diary, enter the word in the search interface and simply press Enter to quickly find the relevant diary! The software uses the SHA irreversible algorithm to encrypt the login password, and also encrypts the file content itself to fully protect your private information. The editor of Huajun has compiled and recommended various free online diary software for everyone. Download it now!
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Complete online diary

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Online diary collection, powerful lightning full-text search technology. After a long time, is it difficult to find the diaries you wrote in the past? As long as you still remember a certain word in the diary, enter the word in the search interface and simply press Enter to quickly find the relevant diary! The software uses the SHA irreversible algorithm to encrypt the login password, and also encrypts the file content itself to fully protect your private information. The editor of Huajun has compiled and recommended various free online diary software for everyone. Download it now!