360 Browser Speed ​​Edition Zone

360 Speed ​​browser is a speed, safe seamless dual -core browser. It is based on Chromium open source projects, with lightning -like browsing speed, complete security characteristics and massive practical tool expansion. It inherits the super streamlined page and innovative layout of the Chromium open source project, and innovatively integrates the popular functions such as Sina Weibo, Renren.com, Weather Forecast, Dictionary Translation, Stock Printing, etc. at the favorite of domestic users. At the same time, it takes into account the domestic Internet applications. In addition, in order to be more suitable for users in China, it adds practical functions such as mouse gestures, super drag and drag, restoration of closure, and address bar drop lists. With the smooth operation experience of the original Chromium And peace of mind.
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360 Browser Speed ​​Edition Zone

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360 Speed ​​browser is a speed, safe seamless dual -core browser. It is based on Chromium open source projects, with lightning -like browsing speed, complete security characteristics and massive practical tool expansion. It inherits the super streamlined page and innovative layout of the Chromium open source project, and innovatively integrates the popular functions such as Sina Weibo, Renren.com, Weather Forecast, Dictionary Translation, Stock Printing, etc. at the favorite of domestic users. At the same time, it takes into account the domestic Internet applications. In addition, in order to be more suitable for users in China, it adds practical functions such as mouse gestures, super drag and drag, restoration of closure, and address bar drop lists. With the smooth operation experience of the original Chromium And peace of mind.