Handwriting board universal driving area

Handwriting board universal driver is a type of input device for computer. The most common is handwriting board, which is similar to the keyboard. Of course, it is basically limited to input text or painting, and it also has some mouse functions. The handwriting drawing input device is a type of input device for the computer. The most common is handwriting board, which is similar to the keyboard. Of course, it is basically limited to input text or painting, and it also has some mouse functions. In the daily use of handwritten boards, in addition to inputs such as text, symbols, graphics, etc., the cursor positioning function can also be provided, so that the handwriting board can simultaneously replace the keyboard and mouse, becoming an independent input tool. · Can recognize the handwriting handwriting handwriting
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Handwriting board universal driving area

PC software

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Handwriting board universal driver is a type of input device for computer. The most common is handwriting board, which is similar to the keyboard. Of course, it is basically limited to input text or painting, and it also has some mouse functions. The handwriting drawing input device is a type of input device for the computer. The most common is handwriting board, which is similar to the keyboard. Of course, it is basically limited to input text or painting, and it also has some mouse functions. In the daily use of handwritten boards, in addition to inputs such as text, symbols, graphics, etc., the cursor positioning function can also be provided, so that the handwriting board can simultaneously replace the keyboard and mouse, becoming an independent input tool. · Can recognize the handwriting handwriting handwriting