
Sirius Chinese Voice Control Online MP3 Play is a network MP3 play auxiliary tool produced by Sirius Software Laboratory. You use sound to control the playback of music. You only need to say instructions to the microphone. Define your own game instructions. Although your voice is possible, the pronunciation of Mandarin is not standard. You can record your voice through the instruction settings. In this way, the instructions you say can be recognized by 100%. Use the sound to complete the network with the sound to complete the network to the network with the sound. All operations of MP3 do not need to use mouse or keyboard.
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Sirius Chinese Voice Control Online MP3 Play is a network MP3 play auxiliary tool produced by Sirius Software Laboratory. You use sound to control the playback of music. You only need to say instructions to the microphone. Define your own game instructions. Although your voice is possible, the pronunciation of Mandarin is not standard. You can record your voice through the instruction settings. In this way, the instructions you say can be recognized by 100%. Use the sound to complete the network with the sound to complete the network to the network with the sound. All operations of MP3 do not need to use mouse or keyboard.