Comprehensive calculation of days

A comprehensive collection of days calculations that can calculate the number of days starting from any date according to different needs, query dates based on the start date (end date) and number of days, and convert lunar and solar calendar dates. This software runs in the [.NET Framework 2.0 Simplified Chinese version] environment and supports the following functions: calculate the number of days (as well as the number of weeks, years, months and days) based on the given start and end dates; based on the given start time and interval Number of days, calculate end date; convert between lunar and solar calendars. The editor of Huajun has compiled and recommended various free days calculation software for everyone. Come and download it now!
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Comprehensive calculation of days

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A comprehensive collection of days calculations that can calculate the number of days starting from any date according to different needs, query dates based on the start date (end date) and number of days, and convert lunar and solar calendar dates. This software runs in the [.NET Framework 2.0 Simplified Chinese version] environment and supports the following functions: calculate the number of days (as well as the number of weeks, years, months and days) based on the given start and end dates; based on the given start time and interval Number of days, calculate end date; convert between lunar and solar calendars. The editor of Huajun has compiled and recommended various free days calculation software for everyone. Come and download it now!