Scientific calculator

普通计算器只能进行(+)、减(-)、乘(×)、除(÷)、根号开方(√)等一些简单计算,这些当然可以满足日常使用,但是对于其他一些高级或It is academic mathematics, so some people have developed a scientific calculator, which can perform a multi -level power index or a scientific calculator for a multi -level power index or a scientific calculator for the period of the scientific calculator. The complex computing such as the secondary roots can easily get the answer with the powerful computing power of the computer, and it also saves the cost of buying a calculator.
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Scientific calculator

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普通计算器只能进行(+)、减(-)、乘(×)、除(÷)、根号开方(√)等一些简单计算,这些当然可以满足日常使用,但是对于其他一些高级或It is academic mathematics, so some people have developed a scientific calculator, which can perform a multi -level power index or a scientific calculator for a multi -level power index or a scientific calculator for the period of the scientific calculator. The complex computing such as the secondary roots can easily get the answer with the powerful computing power of the computer, and it also saves the cost of buying a calculator.