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Writer assistant

Writer assistant

  • Size: 40.1 m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Exercise health
  • System: Android
  • Manufacturer:Shanghai Reading Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Use mobile phone assistant

Recommend for you: Writer assistant

Writer assistantA simple and powerful creative application tool. This software provides a lot of convenience for writing users. Users can edit and save their works at will, and you can also view the readings of each chapter at any time, the amount of views of each chapter, etc.! Come and try to come to China Software Park!

Writers assistant software characteristics

1. Fresh and simple software interface. Users can view details such as reading volume, rewards, comments, etc. anytime, anywhere.

2. It is very simple to use and the function is very powerful! Users can quickly create any subject matter to send them to major stations. It can be saved offline.

3. You can publish the work regularly according to the user's wishes, or you can also release it at any time!

4. After logging in and authentication, there will be various benefits.

5. View your work anymore anytime, anywhere, you can view how many people like their works.

6. Not only can it interact with like -minded bookmakers, but also interact with fans. If you have any questions, there are professional teams to help you answer!

Writer assistant

Writer Assistant Software Function


Offline writing: You can support the user's code at any time. Even if there is no network, it will automatically save the work to the local area. After connecting to the network, it can be synchronized automatically.

Multi -end synchronization: mobile phones and computers can automatically save works.

Creation at any time: As long as you have inspiration, record it anytime, anywhere, and don't let go of every creative inspiration!


Precision push: According to the user's like, the income message is pushed in real time, and the details of the details, you can intuitively view the chart;

Work dynamics: Master the dynamics of the work anytime, anywhere, reward, comment, monthly ticket and other information;


Published: According to user needs, you can customize the release time and the system will be released on time.

Quick release: no longer worry about the need to copy and paste, just one click can be released to add new works to the site of the readings;

      【social contact】

Fan interaction: You can communicate with fans and bookmates to communicate with Jiao. Support the management of book reviews.

Writer's consultation: If you encounter any problems in users, you can send information to the editor at any time!

How to use the writer assistant

The writer assistant is very convenient to use, divided into five sectors: messages, discovery, writing, statistics, me.

      1.information: Including service notifications, rewards, writers colleges, hot topics, monthly tickets, writer consultation, etc.

      2. Discovery: The author of the user's attention, the recommended works, etc.

      3. Writing: You can create your own work

      3. Statistics: Statistics cumulative reading volume and so on

      4. I: Including user information and writer index, my collection, dress center and settings, etc.

Common problems of writers assistant

      How to use this software to write?

1. After downloading and decompression, install software installation (you can install according to the installation wizard)

2. After the installation is completed, turn on the software and click the [Create a Project] button to create a writing project

3. Fill in project information

4. After confirmation, you can start using the writing function

Writer assistant update log:

-Coly Creation School adds curriculum search function

-O optimized process of creating a new book

-Live the night mode switch of the writing editor page

-The fixes of other issues

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

The writer assistant is a high -performance software that meets everyone's requirements. The software is free and non -toxic. It has absolutely praised software. Our Huajun Software Park has the most authoritative software, green free, official authorized, as well as dumpling cloud games, TFUN games, TFUN games Voting voting experts, I hope everyone will come to download!

Version: v3.75.0.1517 | Update time: 2024-08-15

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Writer Assistant Comment

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2022-03-01 19:20:35
    The writer assistant can also be used on the Android tablet after downloading, very good!
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2022-03-08 22:45:10
    The writer assistant downloaded here, I can use different Android phones with my friends, praise!
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2022-03-04 14:56:47
    The writer assistant download it in a few seconds, which is very easy to use.

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