o (心) o sadness

WeChat cannot be downloadedElectrocardiography, But just click on the upper right corner to select it in the browser or Safari!


More than 900,000 users are using ECG ECG to learn ECG knowledge and diagnostic skills. They are students and teachers of medical schools, general doctors, community medical providers, internal medicine doctors, and even nurses. Join them today and let your ECG reading ability to kill your peers!


ECG software content

1) More than 1800 real ECG case data (some senior cases need to be purchased)

2) Each case contains dynamic playable videos, and diagnostic reference from doctors

3) The case library covers the characteristics of about 80 cardiac cases

ECG software function

1) Cases can be browsed according to different characteristics, such as lung heart disease, triangular law, rhythm of heart rhythm, etc.

2) Search for cases, such as "Pre -Syndrome"

3) You can view ECG data according to video, accompanied by heartbeat tips

4) View the full picture of 12 guidelines

5) The layout of the leader supports 12 x 1, 6 x 2, 4 x 3

6) Each case provides a 12 -guide separate analysis diagram, and the waveform is automatically detected

7) All case data can be exported by PDF, and emails can be sent.


ECG software characteristics

All cases are stored in source data, not static pictures, and the details of the waveform can be presented according to the pixel level

ECG copyright statement

ECG data contained in the application is protected by copyright and shall not be used in any other name without permission

ECG case characteristics

Atrium flutter

Atrial fibrillation

Ventricular tremor


Premature fighting

PAC two -union

Pac triple

Premature battle

PVC di

Triangle PVC

Taxi at the room of the room

Ventricular tachycardia

Rooming Heart Heart

Ventricular rhythm

QT interval extension

Short Qt

High T

ST paragraph lifting


High voltage



Left/right atrium expansion


Left atrium overload

Short PR

Pre -excitement syndrome

Criminal suspect pre -excitement syndrome

Room transmission blocked me (Wen's/Mo Shi)

2: 1 room room conduction block

Fully room block

Artificial heart paceer rhythm (A / V / D)

RSR 'mode

IRBBB (incomplete right -bearing support block)

IVCD (indoor block block)

CRBBB (complete right beam support block)

Clbbb (complete left beam support block)

ICLBBB (incomplete left beam support block)






T wave rising

T wave inverted

ST-T abnormal

Early Revitalization Syndrome

R wave delivery is not increasing

Abnormal Q wave

Possible front wall infarction

Front wall infarction

Ahead of the front wall

Possible horizontal infarction

Horizontal infarction


Coronary sinus heart rate

AV junction

Room separation

Mark the sinus to be abrupt

Sinic heart talle

Sinic tachycardia



Extremely tachycardia

Extreme heart talle

Sinus heart rate uneven


How to use ECG

How to view ECG Basic waveforms?

1. The main interface in the APP, click the first column of the electrocomputer base waveform


2. Enter the ECG interface, click on the type


3. You can see the waveforms on this page


Frequently Ascending ECG

How to closeThe heartbeat sound and sound effect in ECG's official version?

Click the setting option of the gear appearance in the upper right corner in the main interface of the ECG's official version of the software to close the buttons behind the heartbeat and sound effect.

ECG update log

New video and content

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

ECG is a high -performance software that meets everyone's requirements. The software is free and non -toxic. It has absolutely praised software. Our Huajun Software Park has the most authoritative software, green free, official authorized, similar to similar, similarHealthy HealthI hope everyone will come to download!


Version: 4.7.1 Official version | Update time: 2020-04-29

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ECG comment

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2019-06-13 17:32:18
    ECG download process is very smooth and good. After downloading, it can be used as usual on the Android tablet!
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2021-08-05 23:27:13
    ECG has been installed, it is indeed the latest version.
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2018-05-24 22:23:48
    ECG can also be used on the Android tablet after downloading, very good!

Boutique recommendation

The application has not passed the real -name authentication, you can download it through your mobile assistant.
