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Photoshop CS3

Photoshop CS3

  • Size: 2.32M
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Image processing
  • System: Win all

Recommend for you: Photoshop CS3 Photoshop software Drawing design tool

Photoshop CS3 full name Adobe Photoshop CS3 EXTENDED. Adobe Photoshop CS3 is a recognized and easy -to -use universal graphic art design software. Adobe Photoshop CS3 is developed and designed by Adobe. Its user interface is easy to understand, complete, and stable. Therefore, in almost all advertisements, publishing, software companies, Photoshop is a common plane tool. Friends who like Photoshop CS3 come to China Software Park to download and experience!

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Adobe Photoshop CS3 Software Features

      1. Support a variety of picture pattern

The picture pattern of the picture of adobe Photoshop CS3 contains PSD, EPS, DCS, TIF, JEPG, BMP, PCX, FLM, PDF, PICT, GIF, PNG, FPX, RAW, and SCT. The picture of the pattern is stored as other patterns to reach special needs.

      2. Support multiple color forms

The color form supported by Adobe Photoshop CS3 contains bitmap forms, grayscale forms, RBG forms, CMYK forms, LAB forms, index color forms, two -color tone forms, and multi -channel forms. The use of Photoshop can also adjust the scale of the picture, resolution, and cloth giant details, which can not only increase the resolution without affecting the resolution without affecting the resolution.

      3. The function of strong selection of pictures is provided

Use rectangular, ellipse mask and put things. You can choose one or more different scales. The selection of the shape of the shape is large than that of the pixel contrast on the edge of the edge. Or the color scale instructions can be selected according to the color of the color. The use of multiple shortcut keys in cooperation can complete the addition of the selection of scale, reduction and anti -selection.

      4. Be able to modify the drawing all kinds

Such as mobile, imitation, posting, cutting, eradication, etc. If there are faults during modification, it can also be revoked and recovered unlimited times. Adobe Photoshop CS3 can also rotate and deform the drawings, such as flipping or in a fixed direction or a fixed direction or a fixed direction or a fixed direction. Rotate.

      5. Can adjust the color harmony and color of the picture

The adjustment of the color, the adjustment of saturation, brightness, and contrast of color becomes simple and simple. Photoshop can adjust the scale of a certain selection alone, and can also adjust the color selection color. The mixing, the use of color steps and curve instructions can be adjusted to the highlights of the drawing, and the dark harmony and center adjustment can be adjusted. This is a traditional painting trick that is difficult to reach.

      6. Supply of painting function

Use spray guns, brush things, pencils, straight lines, and can make various graphics. After the shape, fineness and pressure of the brush brush, can create a different brush effect. Function, deepening and reducing things can be selected to change the glory of the picture.

      7. Using Photoshop users can establish a layer

Adobe Photoshop CS3 setting layer, text layer, conditioning layer and other layers, and it is convenient to modify each layer. Users can use the layer to imitate, move, delete, flip, merge, and composition. The placement of the layer can also be used to add shadow and other operations to manufacture the effects. Adjusting the layer can control the transparency and saturation of the layer's transparency and saturation. The text layer can modify the text in the picture at any time. Users can also modify different color channels from different color channels. The use of mask can choose the scale at will for storage and loading operations.

      8. Photoshop provides a total of 100 kinds of filters for almost 100 kinds

Adobe Photoshop CS3 is different in each filter. Users can use these filters to complete various special effects. For example, using wind filters can add graphics dynamics, and relief filters are used to make relief.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 feature introduction

Adobe Photoshop CS3 can be divided into picture editing, picture composition, school color coloring and special effects manufacturing. The editor of the picture is the root of the picture processing, which can make various transformations such as expansion, reduction, rotation, skewing, mirroring, perspective, etc. You can also copy, remove mottled, repair, and modify the damage of pictures. The composition of the picture is a picture of several pictures through layer operations and use of things to make a clear and clear picture. This is the only way for art planning.

The drawings provided by Adobe Photoshop CS3 make the foreign pictures and creativity blend well. School color coloring is one of the deep -powerful functions in Photoshop. It can easily and quickly make the color of the picture bright and dark, the color editing adjustment and school pair. , Printing, multimedia and other aspects.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 installation step

1. First download Adobe Photoshop CS3 software package on this site, run the EXE installation file after decompression, enter the installation wizard interface, click the next step

Photoshop CS3

2. Enter Adobe Photoshop CS3 Installation location Selecting the interface, select the appropriate installation directory, and then click the next step

Photoshop CS3

3. Enter to select the additional task interface, choose to create a desktop shortcut, and then click the next step

Photoshop CS3

4. Enter the preparation installation interface, click to install

Photoshop CS3

5. Adobe Photoshop CS3 is being installed, waiting for the installation progress bar to complete

Photoshop CS3

6. Adobe Photoshop CS3 Chinese version installation is complete, click to complete, you can use it

Photoshop CS3

How to use Adobe Photoshop CS3

      1. How to use Photoshop to convert multiple pictures into PDF files?

First, open Adobe Photoshop CS3, click the file menu → Automatic → PDF batch processing.

Photoshop CS3

2. Click the [Browse] button to select the picture file you want to create.

Photoshop CS3

3. Select pictures and sort

You can drag the picture name here for sorting, which will affect the order order after the PDF output.

Photoshop CS3

4. Storage and setting parameters

You can change the specific parameters of the PDF as needed, including whether to embed the page shrinkage diagram, compression attributes, and so on. You can set it according to your needs.

Photoshop CS3
Photoshop CS3

5. Click [Storage PDF] to wait for automatic processing

After clicking [Storage PDF], Adobe Photoshop CS3 will automatically process it. When you wait a moment, you will see the output PDF file.

      Second, the use of frame selection tools in Photoshop

1. PHOTOSHOP's box selection tool contains four tools. They are rectangular selection box tools, elliptical frame tools, one -line box selection tools, and single -column selection tools. The line of pixels. By default, drag from the corner of the selection box. this.

Photoshop CS3

2. Rectangular selection box tool, elliptical frame selection tool

Use the rectangular selection tool to confirm the range you want to choose in the image. Press the left mouse button without hand -hand to drag the mouse to select the selection selection. The use of the oval selection tool is the same as the use of the rectangular frame tool.

Photoshop CS3
Photoshop CS3

3. Single -line selection tool, single -column selection tool

(1) Use a single line or single -column selection tool to confirm the range you want to choose in the image. Click the mouse once to select a pixel width selection. For single or single -column selection tools, click next to the area to be selected. Then drag the selection box to the exact position. If you can't see the selection box, add the magnification of the image view.

(2) The attribute bar of the selection tool

Photoshop CS3

(3) Tool property bar of Photoshop

A. New constituency: You can create a new constituency.

B. Add to selection: On the basis of the original constituency, continue to add a constituency, that is, expand the original constituency.

C. Subtract from the constituency: cut off part of the constituency on the basis of the original constituency.

D. Cross from selection: The result of execution is the part of the two constituencies.

E. Style: For the rectangular selection box, the rounded rectangular selection box or the oval selection box, select a style in the option bar,

Normal: Determine the proportion of selection boxes by dragging.

Fixed length and width ratio: Set the high width ratio. Enter the value of the length ratio (in Photoshop, the decimal value is valid). For example, if you want to draw a two -folded frame with a height, enter width 2 and height 1.

Fixed size: Specify the fixed value for the height and width of the box. Enter the integer pixel value. Remember, the number of pixels required to create a 1 -inch constituency depends on the resolution of the image.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 use skills

      Adobe Photoshop CS3 shortcut

Fill in the area selected by the foreground color or the entire layer [Alt]+[Backspace] or [Alt]+[Del]

The "Fill" dialog box [Shift]+[BACKSPACE]

Fill in [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[BACKSPACE] from historical records

Turn off the current image [Ctrl]+[W]

Open the "Preset" dialog box [Ctrl]+[K]

The "Preset" dialog box displayed at the last display [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[K]

Set the "conventional" option (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[1]

Set "storage file" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[2]

Set "Display and Cursor" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[3]

Set "transparent area and color gamut" (in preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[4]

Set "unit and ruler" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[5]

Set "reference line and grid" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[6]

Set up "Efficiency Tools and Temporary Stores" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[7]

Set "memory and image high -speed cache" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[8]

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Common Questions and Answers

      1. What are the methods of adobe Photoshop CS3?

1. First open our computer, click on the desktop, the downloaded PhotoshopCS3 software, click the "file" drop -down box in the upper left corner, and click the "New" file.

Photoshop CS3

2. Each software has shortcut keys. For PhotoshopCS3, common shortcuts are [CTRL+N]. Pressing these two keys can also open the PhotoshopCS3 file while pressing these two keys

Photoshop CS3

3. In the files that are opened by the shortcut key, we need to set this file and set some parameters, such as setting file names, file size, resolution. Color mode. Wait for the parameters of a sequence

Photoshop CS3

      Second, Adobe Photoshop CS3 Chinese Edition Toolbar Solution solution

1. Find the font settings in the computer settings -find the Song style (Song style is the system's default font. You installed the font or other things such as the system fonts that are brushed, so you will be garbled) -Dotu to the desktop — Find the font folder and reinstall it -turn off the PS -turn on the PS garbled and recover

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Similar software comparison

      Adobe Photoshop CS5

Adobe Photoshop CS5 has a total of 15 independent programs and related technologies. Five different combinations form five different combination versions, namely Master Collection Edition, Design Advanced Edition, Design Standard Edition, Advanced Online Edition, and Product Advanced Edition. In these Photoshop CS5 Chinese version components, we may be familiar with Photoshop. Photoshop CS5 has two versions: standard version and extended version.

      Adobe Photoshop CS6

Adobe Photoshop CS6 is a professional image processing software. Adobe Photoshop CS6 has powerful functions, more rapid picture processing, and more professional picture processing effects. Adobe Photoshop CS6 episodes of image scanning, modification, production, input and output, etc. The love of users all over the world, Adobe Photoshop CS6 brings a new image processing experience to users.

      Adobe Photoshop CS4

Photoshop CS4 full name Adobe Photoshop CS4, referred to as PS CS4, is developed and developed by Adobe. At present, the software is loved by friends in the graphic industry due to its outstanding functions. He makes full use of unparalleled editing synthetic functions and more intuitive user experience to greatly improve work efficiency.

      Adobe Photoshop CS 8

Photoshop8.0 (PS) is a graphic and image processing software that integrates image scanning, editing modification, image production, and advertising creativity. Image input and output -integrated graphic image processing software, which is loved by the majority of graphic designers and computer art lovers. You can carry the PS of the USB flash drive!

The above are different versions of PS software. These versions have their own characteristics. They are loved by many users. Users can choose the appropriate software to download and use them according to their favorite.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 update log

The work of day and night can only be happier for you

Well, Mi Mimi coaxed ~ BUG is gone!

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

Believe me, as long as you use the Adobe Photoshop CS3, other software can be uninstalled to meet all your needs. Xiao Bian also carefully prepared you Photo Blowup, Adobe Illustrator CC, .NET

Version: Official Chinese version | Update time: 2024-07-26

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Photoshop CS3 comment

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2021-09-06 12:29:41
    Photoshop CS3 is very useful, thank you! Intersection
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2021-11-13 03:05:48
    Photoshop CS3 interface design is easy to get started, and the function is very rich. I strongly recommend it!
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2021-11-23 13:43:13
    Photoshop CS3 hopes to do better and better, come on!

Boutique recommendation

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