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.NET Framework offline installation package

.NET Framework offline installation package

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Windows 10 & 2016.net Framework 3.5Enter -installed package 64 -bit, suitable for Win10 and Server 2016 offline installation .NET Framework 3.5. Although WIN10 is free ,Net still needs to be installed online. For friends with poor network speed, it is recommended to use offline installation. Huajun Software Park provides you with Windows 10 & 2016.NET Framework 3.5 offline installation package download. Welcome to download.

.NET Framework 3.5 function introduction

1. Integration with Language Integration (Linq) and data perception are closely integrated. Using this new feature, you will be able to use the same syntax to write code written by linq language in order to screen, enumerate and create a variety of types SQLData, collection, XML and data set projection.

2. Use ASP.NET AJAX to create more effective, interactive and highly personalized web experiences, these web experiences can cross all most popular most popularBrowserWork.

3. The new web protocol for generating WCF services supports AJAX, JSON, REST, POX, RSS, Atom, and several new WS-* standards.

4. For the complete tools of WF, WCF and WPF, including the new service technology of the new workflow.

5..NET Framework 3.5 new classes in the base library (BCL) solve the most common customer requests.

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.NET Framework 3.5 installation method

Method 1: Install .NT Framework 3.5 in the system program and functions.

1. Right -click [Start] in the lower left corner of the system desktop, click [Program and Function] in the start menu;

2. In the program and functionwindow, Click [Enable or close Windows function] on the left side of the window;

3. In the Windows functional window, we can see that there is no small square black spot in the check box in front of the .NET Framework 3.5, indicating that the system is not installed .NET Framework 3.5;

Windows 10 & 2016.net Framework 3.5 offline installation package 64 -bit

4. Click to select .NET Framework 3.5, and then click: OK;

Windows 10 & 2016.net Framework 3.5 offline installation package 64 -bit

5. After we click OK, open a new Windows functional window to prompt:

6. Windows needs to use files updated in Windows to complete certain functions.

Click: Download the file from Windows;

Windows 10 & 2016.net Framework 3.5 offline installation package 64 -bit

7. The documents you are downloading and changes to the application are being used;

Windows 10 & 2016.net Framework 3.5 offline installation package 64 -bit

8. Windows has completed the change of the request. It needs to be restarted to complete the changes requested by the installation. Click: immediately restart (n);

Windows 10 & 2016.net Framework 3.5 offline installation package 64 -bit

9. Computer restart, update, after entering the system click, we will enter [Control Panel]-[Program and Function]-[Enable or close Windows function]. Little black dot, explain .NET Framework3.5 was installed successfully.

Windows 10 & 2016.net Framework 3.5 offline installation package 64 -bit

Summary of installation methods:Opencontrol Panel—— Select Program — Open or turn off the Windows function -find the ".NET Framework 3.5 option, check this option -click OK to start installation -wait for installation to complete -complete.

Instructions for useframework

3. What should I do if I meet the installation of .NetFramework?

The installation failure of .Netframework may be caused by a variety of reasons, such as the inadequate, existing .NET version conflict, system file damage, etc. The method of solving these problems includes:

Make sure the operating system supports the .netFramework version to be installed.

Uninstall the old version of the .NETFRWORK to avoid version conflict. You can use the .netFrameworkCleanuptool provided by Microsoft to uninstall the old version.

Run the system file checker tool (SFC/Scannow) to repair the damaged system file.

Run the installation program as an administrator to ensure that there is sufficient permissions for installation.

Temporarily disable the anti -virus software to avoid its interference installation process.

Make sure the operating system has been updated to the latest state, including all important security updates.

Clean up the disk space to ensure that there is enough space for installation.

4. How to fix the .NetFramework error?

When encountering the .NetFramework error, you can try the following repair method:

Update .Netframework to the latest version to ensure that all known problems have been fixed.

Use the "Program and Function" options in the Windows control panel to repair the installed .NETFREWORK version.

Re -install .NETFREWORK to solve problems caused by damaged installation files.

Check the compatibility of the application and the .NetFramework version, and try to update the application or contact developers to obtain support.

Check the error log, such as the Windows event viewer or the application error log when running to obtain more information about the error.

What is the difference betweennetframework and .netcore?

The .netframework and .netcore were part of the .NET platform, but they had different design goals, operating environment and functional support. .NETFRAMEWORK mainly faces the Windows platform, providing a wealth of libraries and runtime environment, supporting a variety of programming languages. The .Netcore was an open source implementation of cross -platform, which aims to provide a unified development platform so that developers can build and run applications on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

6. What is the impact of uninstalling .Netframework?

Uninstallation .NETFRAMEWORK may affect the normal operation of its application. Therefore, it should be carefully evaluated before uninstallation and ensure that important data has been backup. If you are sure to uninstall the .NetFramework, you can operate through the "program and function" options in the Windows control panel. It should be noted that some versions of Windows operating systems may not allow unloading built -in .NETFRAMEWORK version.

Windows 10 & 2016.net Framework 3.5 offline installation package 64 -bit update log:

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Version: v4.8.9195.10 Latest version | Update time: 2024-08-16

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.NET Framework offline installation package comment

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