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Melief Cloud Home School 2017 (Realing Management Statistics Analysis WeChat Home School)

Melief Cloud Home School 2017 (Realing Management Statistics Analysis WeChat Home School)

Recommend for you: Male Cloud Home School

The Melief Cloud Home School is the most generous grade analysis, student status management, and home -school interactive platform launched by Melco Yun. The platform of the Melief Cloud Home School has fully absorbed the teaching management concepts of some large school education institutions. It uses flexible and simple operation. It can independently solve various problems between home and school interaction. It is efficient and practical!

The Melief Cloud Family School has been used by 5205 schools so far, with a total of 440,291 students and parents.与Excel完美结合,可以直接从Excel复制到软件里,也可以从软件里像使用Excel一样复制到Excel或其他电子表格软件中,支持成绩进退分析、教师对比分析、班级对比分析、科目对比分析、 Functional modules such as score distribution statistics can achieve process control of performance analysis and improvement of academic status management, save costs and time, improve parental satisfaction. Friends who need needs to download the experience.


Maternal Cloud Family School Function Introduction

1. The most grounded grade analysis in history/student status management/home -school interactive platform, you can import data from the national student status system;

2. Support parents to inquire about their children's examination results, homework, notifications, etc. through mobile phone WeChat to achieve free home and school interaction;

3.C/S architecture, the customer experience is better;

4. Automatic upgrade online, fool -like operation, simple and convenient;

5. Common functions are clear at a glance; only once a year uses very useful functions to collect them in the menu.

6. Different users log in to automatically judge user permissions based on settings.

7. Support commonly used windows to add fixture, which is convenient to open next time.

8. Each academic year is automatically used in the school year. It only needs to modify some fine -tuning to greatly reduce the workload;

9. Support teachers' group authority settings, teachers in different groups have different authority;

10. Two grades advance and retreat analysis is directly presented with numbers and folding diagrams. Multiple advance and retreat analysis is displayed by folding diagrams;

11. Printing school status reports commonly used in more provinces and cities;

12. Can be entered into all students' grades, but the statistical can exclude students who are not in our school;

13. Perfect combination with Excel can be copied directly from Excel to the software. You can also copy it from the software to Excel or other electronic table software like using Excel;

14. Support the analysis of grade progress, teacher comparative analysis, class comparative analysis, subject comparative analysis, score distribution statistics and other functions;

15. Support multi -campus data comparison;

16. Can form temporary classes, teaching classes, etc.;

17. Teachers can take the self -built unit test, and the unit test also supports the analysis of the advance and retreat of the results;

18. After the upgrade of each school year, the data after the upgrade is retained into historical data, and the data will never be lost;

19. The log clearly records the operation of each teacher of the school, which is convenient for tracing the verification;

20. Similar to Excel's grade entry method, even if there is no help file users, it can get started quickly;

21. Support one -click export to generate excel files;

22. Support layered teaching and cooperate with class screening, you can display a score table, that is, according to the hierarchical class, and can be displayed by the original class, which is greatly convenient for teachers to work;

23. Examination list, historical status data, etc. are strictly operated according to authority, and responsibilities are responsible;

24. Support the analysis of students' partial subjects, and support the disciplinary contribution cake map display.

... ...

For more functions, welcome to experience it yourself!


Step of installation of Kaike Cloud Family School

1. Download the Melief Cloud Home School from this page to decompress and run.

2. According to the prompts, you can select Male Cloud Home School Installation Catalog

3. Then the guide interface, click the next step

4. Click on my use clause in the license agreement

5. In installation ... Please wait patiently until the installation is successful.


Maternal Cloud Home School Login Instructions

Test administrator account: Easeok@easeok.cn

Test administrator password: Easeok.cn

Do not modify the password for test account. If you need to test the password modification function, you can add a teacher user and modify the password

Note: The account information comes from the Internet for testing and use. Do not use it.


Using tutorials for Kuke Cloud Family School

1. When the account login for the first time, the first configuration wizard will pop up, set the basic information of the school, and can also be opened in the upper right corner of the software interface.


Melief Cloud Home School 2017 (Realing Management Statistics Analysis WeChat Home School)


2. After the wizard is completed, click Save the configuration to enter my desktop for the introduction of basic data.

3. Entering the student file, we need to import the student file data into the Melief Cloud Home School and import it from the left.

4. Copy the basic file information of students in the Excel table.

5. Then click the next step.

6. Entering the teacher's file, we need to introduce the teacher's file data (the general teacher's address book name+the mobile phone number, it is recommended to use the mobile phone number as the account login of the teacher's user) into the Melief Cloud Home School, and import it from the left.

7. Set the teacher account. In the teacher's file, select the teacher who needs to log in to the system daily. After selecting the "password" of the menu bar on the left, the teacher can log in by the mobile phone number after the password.

8. Enter the appointment table.

9. Arrange the teacher's appointment.

10. After the editor is exactly, click Save to start using it.


Frequently Asked Questions of Male Cloud Home School

How to configure it for the first time?

1 Use the application account password to log in, see the official website:

Melief Cloud Home School 2017 (Realing Management Statistics Analysis WeChat Home School)

2 When the account login for the first time, the first configuration wizard will pop up, set the basic information of the school, and can also be opened in the upper right corner of the software interface.

Melief Cloud Home School 2017 (Realing Management Statistics Analysis WeChat Home School)


Meike Cloud Home School Update Content

1. Increase the one -click registration and one -click synchronization data function from the national student status system;

2. Other known bug repair, server optimization;


Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

Xiaobian, 2017 (Cingering Management Statistics Analysis of Score Management Statistics) Xiaobian personally identified it himself. This site also has a software -like Chinese Chinese idiom dictionary electronic version, writing big word sea 2017, .NET, welcome to download the experience!

Version: | Update time: 2022-02-07

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Melule Cloud Home School 2017 (Realing Management Statistics Analysis WeChat Home School) Comment

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2018-03-29 21:35:00
    Male Yun Family School 2017 (Calculation Management Statistics Analysis of WeChat Home School) is very useful, thank you! Intersection
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2020-09-07 00:37:50
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  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2018-03-07 06:33:07
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