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WeChat cannot be downloadedQQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav), But just click on the upper right corner to select it in the browser or Safari!
QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

  • Size: 0.77m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Antivirus
  • System: WINALL

Recommend for you: QQ tool

QQkav is a special killing tool for QQ virus. Friends can use QQKAV (QQ virus special killing tool) to protect their computers will not be disturbed by suspicious files or virus files. QQKAV (QQ virus special killing tool) can be cleared for various QQ viruses and Trojan horses such as QQ viruses and Trojans appearing in the computer. You can also use QQKav (QQ virus special killing tools) to clean up stubborn files and generate logs.

Qqkav (QQ virus special killing tool) function introduction

1. Interception of Internet Horse: Inject IE for protection to prevent automatic download and executing web Trojan in the IE background.

2. Lightning antivirus: Quickly remove the QQ tail virus, Trojan, rogue software hidden in the computer and other mobile settings.

3. Manual drug check: You can handle the risk procedures for yourself.

4. Purchase Virus: Customize the virus file that is automatically deleted after the computer is restarted.

5. Process Management: Log canceling and crushing the module loaded by the process.

5. Service Management: System service management provides a relatively powerful processing feature than Windows itself.

6. Plug -in management: Automatically identify suspicious registry loading projects, customize and clean up these projects (mainly clearing the content in columns in the (*)).

QQKAV (QQ virus special killing tool) installation tutorial

1. First of all, you need to find the download address on this page and download the QQkav (QQ virus special killing tool) software package to the local area.

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

2. Pack the QQkav (QQ virus special killing tool) software and double -click to decompress the local:

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

3. The information in the QQKav (QQ virus special killing tool) is completely decompressed into the folder and double -click the .exe format program in the running package.

QQkav (QQ virus special killing tool) use tutorial

1. First of all, we need to run the QQKav (QQ virus special killing tool), and then select the [Rescue] button in the upper left corner to repair the system on the current computer, or unlock the locked registry, or right right The task manager unlocked.

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

2. After we select the [Security] option to enter the interface, we can see that it is mainly used to block some malicious messages, viruses and other functions. You can choose to block the malicious website, block the QQ tail message, block your friends send viruses, block the U disk disk The virus runs automatically.

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

3. Then select [Tools] We can perform online upgrades, clear system garbage, crushing files, and send suspicious files.

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

      The specific operation is as follows:

1. In the button below the little penguin, we can see that the prompt is used to kill the function of the current computer on the computer. You can operate the virus according to the prompts in the figure below.

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

2. Or you can choose the [Process Management] interface to manage operations for a process.

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

3. [Startup item] can effectively prevent abnormal problems such as the system loading too much and stuck.

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

Qqkav (QQ virus special killing tool) common problems

      You can go to QQ after anti -virus, but what should I do if I can't access the Internet?

Answer: The above problem occurs because the current virus on the computer has been modified for Windows settings, and the virus file is killed by you with QQKAV (QQ virus special killing tool). There are no abnormal prompts to appear. You can choose [System Repair] - [Winsock provider] to select [Reset Winsock].

      How to better remove the virus in the system and the inexplicable web page?

Answer: 1. Do anti -virus and repair registry operations in the security mode.

2. Clean up the system call left by the virus and find the [System Repair] in QQKav (QQ Virus Special Killing Tool) to clean up all the options with *.

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

3. Select the [Service item] to do all the items in the interface [stop] and change its startup mode to [disabled].

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

4. Still an inexplicable pop -up window to choose the suspicious program in [startup item] to do [delete] and restart the computer.

QQ Virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQKav)

QQkav (QQ Virus Special Killing Tool) Update Log

Solve the problem of partial soft errors.

Add new digital signature certification, please use it with confidence.

The fixes of other bugs.

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

I worry that there will be an unsafe information factors after surfing the Internet? Xiaobian recommends that you use this QQkav (QQ virus special killing tool), which can easily help you remove various suspicious files and virus files. Of course, QQKav (QQ virus special killing tool) can only be used for virus protection and killing, but also to remove some stubborn file information or generate logs, and share the "great god" to help you solve the problem online. In addition, the editor of Hua Jun also collected other [Virus Special Kill] tools for everyone to choose from, such as: CAD virus special killing tools, Office macro virus special killing tools, etc.

Version: 2012 | Update time: 2024-07-26

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QQ virus Trojan Special Killing Tool (QQkav) comments

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2019-07-17 02:50:44
    QQ virus Trojan special killing tool (QQKav) is very useful, thank you! Intersection
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2020-12-24 10:59:07
    Qq virus Trojan special killing tool (QQkav) superb! Click 100 million likes! Intersection Intersection
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2021-05-01 09:34:56
    The QQ virus Trojan special killing tool (QQkav) hopes to do better and better, come on!

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