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Data structure algorithm demonstration system

Data structure algorithm demonstration system

  • Size: 2.60M
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: programming tools
  • System: winall

The official version of the data structure algorithm demonstration system is an auxiliary teaching tool suitable for programmers. The official version of the data structure algorithm demonstration system can directly display the execution process of the entire algorithm through user data input, making it easier for users to learn programming and algorithms faster. The data structure algorithm demonstration system contains 84 algorithms, divided into 13 parts, displayed by the main menu, corresponding to Chapter 2 to Chapter 11 of the "Data Structure" textbook.

Data structure algorithm demonstration system

Introduction to the functions of the data structure algorithm demonstration system

This system contains 84 algorithms, divided into 13 parts, displayed by the main menu, corresponding to Chapter 2 to Chapter 11 of the "Data Structure" textbook. The demonstration algorithm of each part is as follows:

1. Sequence table

(1) Insert a data element into the sequence table (ins_sqlist)

(2) Delete a data element in the sequence table (del_sqlist)

(3) Merge two ordered sequence lists (merge_sqlist)

2. Linked list

(1) Create a singly linked list (Crt_LinkList)

(2) Insert a node into a singly linked list (Ins_LinkList)

(3) Delete a node in a singly linked list (Del_LinkList)

(4) Union of two ordered linked lists (Union)

(5) Merge two ordered linked lists (MergeList_L)

(6) Intersection of two ordered linked lists (ListIntersection_L)

(7) Find the difference between two ordered linked lists (SubList_L)

3. Stack and Queue

(1) Calculate the Ackman function (AckMan)

(2) Stack output sequence (Gen, Perform)

(3) Demonstration of recursive algorithm

Algorithm of Tower of Hanoi (Hanoi)

Algorithm to solve the Queen problem (Queen)

Algorithm for solving maze (Maze)

Algorithm for solving knapsack problem (Knap)

(4) Bank Simulation

(5) Expression evaluation (Exp_reduced)

4. String pattern matching

(1) Classical algorithm (Index_BF)

(2) Find Next function value (Get_next) and match according to Next function value (Index_KMP(next))

(3) Find the Next correction value (Get_nextval) and match the Next correction value (Index_KMP(nextval))

5. Sparse matrix

(1)Matrix transpose (Trans_Sparmat)

(2) Fast matrix transposition (Fast_Transpos)

(3)Matrix multiplication (Multiply_Sparmat)

6.Generalized table

(1) Find the depth of the generalized table (Ls_Depth)

(2) Copy generalized table (Ls_Copy)

(3) Create the storage structure of the generalized table (Crt_Lists)

7. Binary tree

(1) Traverse the binary tree

Threading of binary trees

Preorder traversal (Pre_order)

In_order traversal (In_order)

Postorder traversal (Post_order)

(2) Build a binary tree in order (CrtBT_PreOdr)

(3) Clue binary tree

Threading of binary trees

?Generate pre-order clues (precursor or successor) (Pre_thre)

?In-sequence clue (predecessor or successor) (In_thre)

?Post sequence clue (precursor or successor) (Post_thre)

Traverse the inorder clue binary tree (Inorder_thlinked)

Insertion (ins_lchild_inthr) and deletion (del_lchild_inthr) nodes of the in-order clue tree

(4) Build a Huffman tree and find Huffman coding (HuffmanCoding)

(5) Convert the forest into a binary tree (Forest2BT)

(6) Convert binary tree to forest (BT2Forest)

(7) Create a tree (ExpTree) according to the expression and evaluate it (CalExpTreeByPostOrderTrav)

8. Figure

(1) Graph traversal

Depth First Search (Travel_DFS)

Breadth First Search (Travel_BFS)

(2) Find the strongly connected components of the directed graph (Strong_comp)

(3) Two algorithms for directed acyclic graphs

Topological sort (Toposort)


(4) Find the minimum spanning tree

Prim's algorithm (Prim)

Kruscal algorithm (Kruscal)

(5) Find nodes and reconnected components (Get_artical)

(6) Find the shortest path

Floyd algorithm (shortpath_Floyd)

Dijkstra's algorithm (shortpath_DIJ)

9. Storage management

(1)Boundary tag method (Boundary_tag_method)

(2)Buddy system (Buddy_system)

(3) Compact useless units (Storage_compaction)

10. Static search

(1) Sequential search (Search_Seq)


(3)Interpolation search (Search_Ins)

(4)Fibonacci search (Search_Fib)

(5) Suboptimal search tree (BiTree_SOSTree)

11.Dynamic search

(1) Search (bstsrch), insert nodes (ins_bstree) and delete nodes (del_bstree) on the binary sorting tree

(2) Insert nodes (ins_AVLtree) and delete nodes (del_AVLtree) on the binary balanced tree

(3) Insert nodes (Ins_BTree) and delete nodes (Del_BTree) on the B-tree

(4) Insert nodes (Ins_PBTree) and delete nodes (Del_PBTree) on the B+ tree

12. Internal sorting

(1) Simple sorting method

Direct insertion sort (Insert_sort)

Table insertion sort (including two algorithms: insertion (Ins_Tsort) and rearrangement (Arrange))


Simple selection sort (SelectSort)

(2) Complex sorting method



Tournament ranking(Tournament)


Quick address sorting (QkAddrst)


13.External sorting

(1) Multi-way balanced merge sort (K-Merge)

(2) Replacement-Selection Sorting (Repl_Selection)

Data structure algorithm demonstration system installation steps

1. Download the data structure algorithm demonstration system software from Huajun Software Park

Data structure algorithm demonstration system

2. Then extract the downloaded software package to the current folder

Data structure algorithm demonstration system

3. At this time, we click on the DSDemoW.EXE application in the folder

Data structure algorithm demonstration system

4. Because the data structure algorithm demonstration system is green software, you can use it directly after opening it.

Data structure algorithm demonstration system

How to use the data structure algorithm demonstration system

1. The user downloads and opens the software, and clicks on the algorithm that needs to be learned.

Data structure algorithm demonstration system

2. After opening an algorithm, enter the data and click Run to see the running process of the entire code.

Data structure algorithm demonstration system

Data structure algorithm demonstration system update log

1. Fixed other bugs;

2. Optimized software compatibility.

Huajun editor recommends:

After you use the data structure algorithm demonstration system, I think you may also need AlphaEbot action editing software, .NET, Batch Butler and other software. Come to Huajun Software Park to download and use it!

Version: 1.0 official version | Update time: 2024-11-04

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Data Structure Algorithm Demonstration System Review

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2020-06-14 01:48:48
    The data structure algorithm demonstration system is not bad, and the download is very fast. I give you a good review!
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2021-01-18 17:38:37
    I hope the data structure algorithm demonstration system can get better and better, come on!
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2020-10-16 03:14:13
    The data structure algorithm demonstration system has quite comprehensive functions. It is the latest version. It is free to download. Keep up the good work!

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